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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. I have more pictures. I shall post them soon. I hope this gives an idea of the structure and my diagram makes some sense!


    Any questions please ask..


    Also Im trying to work out how it could be moved. But all I could think is to remove the south and east walls as the rest I do not think could be cut out. If that was a case and the museum (newhaven) would be interested I would be looking for help and a low loader to move it 10miles... If anyone with bigger kit would like to join forces in HMVF tradition.. it would be voluntary but for a cause that should not be forgotten in our hearts! Or another stretch of coast is bare from all structures of the war.

  2. So. today I met Rachel from the West Pier trust and donned my helmet and trusty caving light and opened the metal doors to the underpier bird poo emporium! ha.


    Rachel was not keen on the dark and the pigeons so I was give a quick point in the general direction and I was asked how long I would like.. I said I'll be around 30-40minutes.


    So off I went into the dark with my eyes adjusting to the jagged shapes and acro's proping up the wooden floor above.


    I was suprised by the amount of the original Pier metal work has been stored from the collapse, some very ornate beams and works. Destine for restoration and museums.


    I soon found the entrance and was suprised that it was fairly clear of rubbish and in good condition seeing its location.


    I shall now post some pictures and diagrams..

  3. Ok, I have been asked so I shall see what you all think in response and organise accordingly.


    Due to the popular comments on my Greenlanes report I would like to organise a Green lane day..


    There would be a few restrictions.


    1. Width of vehicles. A landrover Defender is about as wide as you can get (mirror to mirror)

    2. groups of 5 vehicles on a lane at a time

    3. Max speed 15mph

    4. Respect the lanes or indeed we lose them!


    I could entertain around 10 vehicles in 2 groups...



    SO who is interested?


    I would assume vehicles that would fit would be, any landrover..champs.. poss mk1 pigs etc


    the thinner of the MV world.. (vehicles not drivers )


    Could tie in a pub lunch and as much scenary as you would like in the beautiful hidden Sussex that most do not know exists.

    I would tailor the day to experience of drivers

  4. Popped out after the rain yesterday for a quick drive,ended up doing more miles than expected and having a few close calls!



    Evidence that the water table is indeed up!



    But even with a few ruts and odd angles the 110 plods on



    Marsh land.. not a wise Idea! which I worked out fast! Once committed to this Lane you can not turn around! so you have to go the full length or reverse all the way back! in the ruts!



    the close calls came in the wooded section which was making some horrid noises on the paintwork and the alarming 90deg bends full of ruts and surrouneded with field irregation rivers.. in a marsh! with deep water signs! the 110 was drifting and turning like HMS Belfast!





    Deep water to both sides. What the picture fails to highlight is the banks are around 2ft from each side of the 110! so error was not really an option! or it would be me crying standing up to my waste in water on the roof of the sunken 110



    the last joining lane to this was far far to boggy to drive



    I had to reverse out of this one! which was hard as the ruts threw the rear wheels towards the river bank! and the fronts would just spin and not direct the vehicle!


    It was a silly idea this one! much to the amusement of the fisherman by the entrance who stated "bit muddy up there" yes,quite! thats an understatement... I did say when reversing past him "If anyone asks.. I didnt reverse out, OK " he laughed

  5. ah, ok. So an In-line fuse(medium sized nail) is a must on that one then.. Thank you Uncle Cliv! you are a floatilla of knowledge! haha

    I just think that a seperate unit all in one (speakers and radio) helps for security and originality..

    So I can drone out my engine and gearbox with some modern tunes from cutting edge artists of the Techno Gabba hardcore Dance world such as Lonnie Donnigan

  6. Just a quick question. I'm thinking of installing a headunit(stereo FM/CD) and some speakers in a box that can sit on the centre seat when needed in the cab.

    My question is this...


    The Aux Power plug on the dash. The 2 pin one. Could it power a 12V radio with out issues? as I do not know what this is rated at? 12V i know.. but what is it fused at and amps etc?


    I know I would lose all presets in the radio etc every time its off but thats not an issue as I do not want to spoil the originality by hacking into the dash tofit one!

  7. Green Laning again.. a few more pictures



    Some nice untouched woodland. This is why I do love Sussex


    A massive Mushroom that we saw! I had to take a picture,any one know what it is?


    Shows the size limits the Councils now put on the lanes. They are 100% legal still,I had that confirmed by may friend in the Council Highways Dept.


    A picture of my Girlfriend climbing on the 110 away from the water


    Nice shot of a small hill climb


    Typical fly tipping and fires! spoiling access to a lane! the caravans and weightlifting gear outside the local gypsies camp around 100metres away gets my finger pointing! As well as Tv's and washing machines tipped all up the access lanes! Shocking!



    I was Brave and let the GF drive a few lanes! hahha


    some Lamas we passed! as you do..


    this lane is now not drivable or passable! even though its still registered as a Byway! I did do a fair amount of paint damage getting up there! should have walked it first as it was a dead end! live and learn


    This lane seems very popular! and is very damaged! hence the mud pit!were smaller ones before this hence mess! many tyre marks from vehicles as well as motorbikes.. shame as should be left to recover! I had no real choice but to drive through as the way back would be reversing around a mile.


    110 back on the drive and after the mud pits of the last lane in need of a wash!

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