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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. I thought it was about time I posted some photos of the Spartan we are currently tidying up for W&P this year. Last year we sold our petrol Spartan, 48AT14, and I was lucky enough to be at Withams just a couple of days after the first diesel vehicles arrived last August. We ended up buying a running but scruffy Spartan.








    It would only steer in one direction and struggled to select a gear. Both problems were fixed within a couple of hours of it being delivered by a new master cylinder and tightening up the gear change pedal bolts. We had some fun racing it round the farm tracks so decided to take it down the road to the house to start the paint job. This did not go well and it broke down just yards from the drive way and we required the help of Andy's RB44 to push it on the drive.




    Taking the top off the fuel tank revealed the usual Spartan fuel problems.. it was full of the usual mess. I replaced and the filters and ran the pump only for the filters to block before there was enough fuel in the injector pump to start it.




    I will eventually clean out the fuel tank and filter the diesel so we can hopefully use it, there is a good half a tank of it in there, but for now I have fitted another plastic fuel tank. I still need to strap it in place securely but for now it has got the vehicle back up and running.




    Working on the fuel problem revealed the starter motor was a bit dodgy, so we took the decks off to have a look. While I was there I gave it all a good clean. We fixed the starter using parts from another one, but it didn't last long and is now replaced with a shiny reconditioned one.




    The next job was to give the vehicle a good rub down and blow it over with some light stone paint. If we had more time ideally it would get a bare metal respray as the paint was pretty rough underneath, but this will do for now. I still need to paint the wheels and suspension, apply some BATUS markings, number plates etc but I think we should be on track to make it to W&P providing nothing else goes wrong!






    There is a video of it on youtube here:





  2. I've had a couple of these trailers. The poles are not too hard to find, one of mine had one side and the other had none, but in the whole time I had them I only ever saw one tent set for sale and it was gone by the time I saw the advert. I believe Undercover Covers were going to make some tents but not sure if they ever did.



  3. Hi!


    I have loads of documentation but it doesn't say where the radiator drain is. It goes into all sorts about bleed points but no info on the drain point.


    There's an access point under the hull with 3 UNC bolts which looks a promising candidate! Can someone please enlighten me?




    The drain tap is accessed through the belly plate under the engine bay.

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