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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. Yep that was the worst batch of 432s I've seen go through the sales, clearly the last ones in the yard. One did have a mattress and some clothes in the back, I wonder who was living in there! There was also one with a birds nest...






    [attachment deleted by admin]

  2. You just need to look at the FD series to see how many years difference there can be. FD is 1970-71. I have a Sabre (Scorpion hull) with a DIS of 1973 and a Fox with a DIS of 1975 and both are FD registrations.


    It might be possible that L/R allocated chassis numbers when the contracts were placed but it does sound like a mistake to me. Either that or someone swapped the dataplate to try and get free tax..



  3. We blast delicate parts all the time where I work, at a coatings company. As long as you use good strong masking tape (not B&Q rubbish) and put several layers on delicate parts you should be ok.



  4. Cheers Scott :-) I think I'm going the replacement cylinder route as I want her up and running for the FirePower W/E in Feb. Just got to get the cylinder from Bannisters - £125 + VAT - and as they only take cash or cheque it means either risking the P.O. sending a cheque or trundling down with cash!!



    Put the cash in a padded envelope and send it recorded delivery. I always do it that way, bit too far to pop down and buy bits!



  5. Neil,

    It looks pretty much like my Sabre does, but I drilled some holes to let the water out and power washed it. Oh and I put an engine in it too!


    To be honest CVRTs are easy vehicles to restore, the Sabre is probably the worst one as you need to strip or remove the turret to get rid of all the mud and crap underneath it. There is nothing missing from that Sabre which won't turn up sooner or later.

    My Ferret was 10 times worse when I got it!



  6. Thanks Lee, those photos just annoy me though! ABRO decided to strip that vehicle of the fan and sights yet leave a nice turret fuse box. I have the sights and the fan but no fuse box. I really wish they'd allocate vehicles to strip and take bits from them rather than just taking bits off the nearest vehicle to hand at the time!



  7. I am going Saturday. I think that is the 'Tracked Test Vehicle' next to the Sabre.

    The Sabre by the way isn't too bad but it is missing the sights, night sight box, rear bin and fan... along with the engine, guns, dampers, periscopes etc etc etc!



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