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Everything posted by welbike

  1. Well, what's gone is gone! I saw that M4 Quadrant piece at the Vierville jumble, and tried to buy it, but the owner was never there! Start saving, or take a mortgage on the house!! and you'll be able to buy a Pack someday, they are very scarse items Cheers, Lex
  2. What a shame, 10 years ago I had the parts you need now! and double too (2 barrels, one sleigh) But will find out where they ended up, probably far away from here! I do remember they came from Jordan, in the middle east. Cheers, Lex
  3. Rob, I was there too on all the jumbles, but only found a cleaning rod for the Pack, and missed a Panoramic sight for it, by just minutes!! and that was in the little militaria shop in Arromanches, an American bought it from under my nose, to give to his father as a present, he wouldn't part with it! and he paid only 45 euro's, easily 500 nowadays, if you need it! Mind you, this was on the saturday after the 6th! so nobody noticed it in the shop at all, really strange. (well, Tim wasn't there) Anyway, had good fun otherwise, the Cushman was just ready, and did quite well on the beach! Now it's an easy step to do this: French Troops 35RAP (postwar) Am working on the 2nd pack again, it's getting there, and might be for sale at Beltring. Cheers, Lex
  4. All BSA enquiries can be sent to me, welbike(at)welbike.net It doesn't cost any money to see if its on the cards, only when you want a scan of the card! (and these monies are being used to further digitalize the Matchless Keycards) Hope this helps, Lex Schmidt ps, nice history on your Norton WDBM!!
  5. Ah, yes, a sick mind in an even sicker body!!! Guess we'll have to use photoshop then?? Cheers, Lex
  6. Yes, that was a real enjoyable day!! and looking at the pictures, I must say the field location looks even more convincing this way!!! there's still 3 or 4 locations to find, but it is a difficult job, with no more landmarks than the land itself!! Ron, Ill try not to bend my forks again, but "biggy" is heavier then a 16H, so we might bend those instead!! (but nothing a sturdy ratchet strap won't straighten!) Here's someone using his Dingo to take the picture from the right angle! Cheers, Lex ps, don't forget to bring a can of white paint next time to paint the Mayors horse white!!!
  7. Ok Guys, just got the word, they are WLA's and the markings are 5th vehicle of the Divisional MP Platoon of the 1st US Infantrydivision. First Group: 1 stands for 1st Inf Division SecondGroup: X marks the unit in the 3rd group (in this case the 1st MP Platoon) is directly dependant from the unit in the first group (in this case the Divisional HQ of the 1st Inf Div) Third group: 1P stands for 1st MP Platoon Fourth group: 5 stands for 5th vehicle whitin the platoon Photo was taken by Corporal Earl E. Miller, 33879319, an MP of the 1e Inf Divisie in 1945 (recently sold on Ebay) See also this link: http://www.lonesentry.com/panzer/jeep-markings.html Thanks to Johan Willeart and his superb site: http://www.theliberator.be/ Cheers, Lex
  8. Looks like South African, but nobody's sure. Look at RAF flag in background, where/when was this taken? back of postcard reads: 1 346, so 1st of march 1946?? Cheers, Lex
  9. Hi all, these bikes are most definetively WLA's or WLC's but the quality is too bad to determine between the two! Will ask on another forum, about the markings, but something MP probably. Cheers, 82X120 (or Lex if you prefer?)
  10. Hi Paul, Congrats! Just reading this now, Have some spares for these, but rather would sell complete resto object, come and see me at Beltring, stall A! and A2. Cheers, Lex Schmidt
  11. Graham, wish you had contacted me first before building your replica from the Coventry Motor Museum, as this is hopelessly inacurate! If you need the sizes for the sidecar body email me direct on: welbike(at)welbike.net Cheers, Alex Schmidt
  12. Hi Mark, only just now stumbled over this thread! the White is very much still alive, and here some pictures before and after (2nd restoration after 16 years of use!) know of 3 more, but all in varying deplorable conditions. In German livery As it is now, French again Regarding the Model 920 White, there was one at the same scrapyard as my 704S came from, but highly modified, I used the cab, in aid to restore mine, the rest is now scrapped, and an Aldi supermarket is there on that spot, who said the germans lost the war!!!! Cheers, Lex
  13. Mike, that's very good! at least we have a lead on something, will be at a collector friend of mine near Paris, next month, and he has one of those, so will check it out. Thanks, Alex
  14. Hi all, Am trying to find out for what vehicle/tank this german VDO rev counter is from, 300-3500 revs. On the back it says W 1:2 3-42 and a white unreadable stamp, possibly a 2 Have tried to find pictures of german dashboards, but nothing sofar. Please let me know, if someone recognizes it! Alex Schmidt
  15. Hello Franz, I might also have some repro Flea parts for sale, email me direct on: welbike(at)welbike.net Also have a copy of the very rare "Drivers Manual" on ebay right now, see: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130424258987&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT Cheers, Lex Schmidt, Holland
  16. Hello Richard, I may have some bits and bobs for Welbikes, also replica pumps, exact copy of the originals, but also pricey, they're a lot of work to make! Anyway, the guy on ebay, is not gonna make much more stuff, as there's no market for it, so if you want something of him, I wouldn't wait too long. (it's NOT me!) Cheers, Lex Schmidt Holland
  17. Hi all, just a quick word, I'm Lex Schmidt, from Holland, and sometimes Wrightsville PA USA. Have a wide interest in MV's, but only first and second world war. Have lots of bikes, Brit, US and German, a White 5 ton truck, some Clark Airdozers and a Ford GP jeep. Cheers for now, Lex
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