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Everything posted by rbrtcrowther

  1. Someone let me know if that worked cos my computer won't play them for some reason:???
  2. stopped to have a look at your new toy last saturady night but was not sure which house was yours:??? Thought i'd better not knock on a door incase your neighbours might get fed up with people asking them if thats your truck! Had a bit of a look round it and it looks a nice one!!
  3. Hi Shawn have you got the meadows "automatic injection advance" unit fitted in you engine i can't quite see it in the pics. or is it just a shaft? Don't want to state the ovious but have you tried running it with the air filters and intake manifods removed, mabey the exhaust manifold too. there could be a blockage or the exhaust manifold could be bunged up with carbon if it's been sat running a pump not working very hard.
  4. Right i'll try to find the old crank seals from the meadows engine. lucky i havent had to change any bearings.....Yet. The oil pump squirts oil on to the worm and also lubes the rear bearing of the pinion. When working hard at slow speed the oil cam become very warm even with the cooler, The oil runs off the crown wheel before it reaches the top and the worm can run dry. I have spoken to a man who runs a heavy recovery buisness and he himself is an ex REME mechanic and so are both his sons. He said he would never run without an oil cooler fitted for as a worm and wheel generate a large amount of friction and heat. He sold his explorer and about 10 years later his wife bought it back as a pressent. unfortunatly the cooler had sufferd frost damage and been disconected. When the explorer arived at his house (having driven 100 odd mile he could feel the heat from the rear axle on his face and it sizzeled when he spat on it, the whole rear diff was was scrap!:shake: So on this information i shall be running an oil cooler and a pump.
  5. Well for now when we sort a job out we should post the make ,number and supplyer of said new part. Mabey have a thread for explorers one for stollys, one for militants ect ect what do you think?
  6. wow that really is easy:shocked:. We should start a bearing and seal numbers thread so we can order them before starting the job:idea:. How was your oil pump......better than all the bit's of mine i bet:cry:.
  7. no problem. If you have any other qusetions drop me a line and feel free to pop in when ever you are passing. drop me a line before to make sure i;m here when you come by:-D
  8. Angelsea eh? i'm only in porthmadog you could pop round and have a chat if you want.
  9. Did you get stuck?........no.... well clearly you were well within the capabilitys of the vehicle. i can only assume that it was 5 o'clock on a friday when they were figuring out where to put the headlights and the bloke wanted to go and get a pint.:beer:
  10. Better to move the lights out of the stupid place that scammell fitted them and then weld on a bit of the Titanic for good measure:idea:
  11. We know where tohook the tow chain if you get stuck!!!! they'll hold the 12 tons of scammell without damaging the lights next time you bury the front end i'm sure.....:whistle:
  12. H .... To be honest we need to see a picture of your diesel engine. The meadows engine was made in two applications...Automotive/ 130bhp@1900rpm intermittant. And industrial/100bhp@1600rpm continuous rating. I know for a fact the valve timing was revised in later years to make the engine more "flexible" through the rev range. What type of injector pump is fitted is it a vacume govened one (the throttle controll rod goes to the manifold) or a mechanical one (the throttle controll goes to the pump) itself. Both were fitted to the automotive engine so don't worry they can be fettled to give more speed. More important is if it is fitted with the "meadows automatic injection advance device" it's a fairly large unit in the driveline between the timing case and the injector pump. it has a flat plate on top held on with 4 bolts. post some pics and i'll try to muster some more oooomf for you.
  13. Oh allmost crashed into a big green skip restricting the road width outside Degsys house:rofl:
  14. Spotted today 3 jeeps driving from llanrust (if thast how you spell it) towards llandudno.
  15. It's all the little job that take the time. plus when you fit a large bit it makes you feel good. Spend hours wireing and then got nothing to show for it!!
  16. Will do. Tel me p**s of if your busy!!!:-D
  17. Hi just wondering how you fitted the hook terminal to the hoist rope. Is it a simple operation or was a large swaging machine involved?
  18. Got the spring back on and have painted the waking beam in red oxide. I then decided to investigate the lack of oil pressure in the rear axle. Oh dear:cry: Upon removing the cover from the rear of the axle the oil pmp gear fell out still with the shaft attached! The oil pump is smashed to bits. So now i am looking for an oil pump, oil pump drive gear and the gear that bolts on to the back of the worm.:confused: Worth popping down to Halfords???
  19. Crikey!! you must have eagle eyes! I never spotted his leg jambed on the gearstick. Must have been the camo pants! Near invisible you know!:-D
  20. Hhi chaps.. I don't suppose anyone has knocking about in the back of the garage a spare hub puller and the rather large spanner? Just wondering thats all:) All my hubs were a bit wet after being overfilled but one is very wet after freeing off the beam. Suppose the oil was running from one end to the other
  21. Ah.. So thats where you live... drive that way quite often. :idea:
  22. Thats my mates boat, He used to to fishing trips and seal spotting trips. Yes it is in abersoch and it has been in a couple of vintage tractor mags too.
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