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Great War truck

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Everything posted by Great War truck

  1. I would say that was a doctored (or should i say enhanced) photo of a chassis under test. interesting though. Tim (too)
  2. While out in the Autocar, Steve stopped to pick up a hitch hiker. They then had a brief conversation: Hiker "What is this" Steve " It is a World war one Autocar". Hiker "What year is it" Steve " 1917" Hiker "So it is old enough to have been in the first world war then" Steve ".....Yes....." I am always meeting idiots while in the Jeep usually in petrol stations: Idiot "What is this" Me "It is a 1944 Willys Jeep" Idiot "Russian then" Me "No, American" Idiot "But it has white stars on it" Me "Yes.... well spotted" Idiot "It is Russian - the white star is Russian symbol" Me "Good bye" I guess the idiots are not always the people asking the questions: Idiot (leaning on back of Jeep). "I want one of these where can i get one". Me "Try Dallas Autoparts in Newbury it is just down the road". Idiot "How much does it cost" Me "Upto about £10,000 depending on condition". Idiot "That is rather a lot - i was expecting to pay about £10" Me "Not since 1945" Idiot "Hmmm, i did mean just the jerrycan on the back, not the Jeep. I am going on holiday to Scotland and did not want to run out of petrol". Me "Ohh. I do think they still sell petrol in Scotland" Idiot "goodbye (muttering under breath "idiot")" Tim (too)
  3. In the photos, one Dodge has a pile of British bofors ammo boxes marked up US. I have a few of these boxes recovered from the tip. I know the US used the bofors. Did they use the same ammo boxes as the British? Thanks Tim (too)
  4. Hmm, the back appears to be full of school girls. So either something you found on a special disc for sale on E bay, or maybe a clip from St Trinians? Cant remember which one it is. Tim (too)
  5. Excellent. More please. Was the tank the one made for TLOEGM? Tim (too)
  6. Now that's an idea. I had not considered that. For what purpose would a mobile hospital need coal gas? I was still of the mind of sterilising equipment. Boiler to the left (you can just make out the pressure gauge), water tank to the right. In front of both and laying horizontally would be the steriliser. I am still not 100% sure though. Any more ideas. Oh yes, all your captions were very funny. Any more? Tim (too)
  7. Thank you for that. That is very interesting and something that i knew nothing about. The restored Republic is something to behold. Now, here is a question for you. How does a truck on solid tires cope with icy roads? Tim (too)
  8. I thought so, and cosmetically not that different either. I think Jack is setting his sites rather high. Go on then Jack. Post some pictures of what you found. Tim (too)
  9. Yes, wonderful pictures. I must go back soon. Maybe this Autumn. Tim (too)
  10. I might be being a bit bold saying that, but as it said it was of 1917 manufacture, it could only have got to France by being left behind by the AEF. The signal corps used this model. Alternatively, it could have been recently bought by the dealer directly from the USA. It would be interesting to read the provenance of it. Here is a restored example:
  11. Ah, here we go. Interesting to see that the tyres are to big and that the gap between the wheel and the tyre rim have been packed out with blocks of wood. They do look identical to Thornycroft J wheels. I notice that there is still the brass plate on the side which should give the tyre size (in metric!). If you have a look at that we should be able to compare that to the manual. The tyre is so worn that you wont be able to read the tyre size molded on to the side. You say the word "Ransomes" is painted on the side. Surely a much later addition as the wheel would have been painted from the factory. Saying that, due to the high demand wheels were manufactured for WW1 trucks by other companies. The name Sankey also appears. I am not familiar with the products of Ransomes so i cant add much to this. Tim (too)
  12. Some excellent ideas there chaps. We have been offered the use of a machine so we might take that on board for small things (like our water pump). The price of the ali billet would indeed make the gearbox very expensive, so our best bet is to make one of our surviving shells work. But it is useful to know that the technology is there to help us if necessary. Tim (too)
  13. Lots of interesting stuff. The Republic is almost certainly an ex military model. Tim (too)
  14. Doug The photos dont seem to be coming up for me. Do you want to try again, or is it just me? Thanks Tim
  15. TM 9-1808 A: ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE-POWER PLANT, CLUTCH, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 3/4 AND 1 1/2 TON VEHICLES Oh crikey me. I just bought that one last week. Tim (too)
  16. This Youtube clip might be of interest. it shows the same process being used to carve a V8 engine block. I have come across a chap in the USA making replica Peerless engine cases and sumps. i cant imagine that demand is that high so i bet that he is suing the same method. Fasinating stuff, but it does go on a bit. As a matter of interest, the water pump was made in about 5 hours. Now, i wonder if i can get a big block of ali how long it would take for them to carve me a Panther tank? Tim (too)
  17. As you know, we have a problem with our gearbox case. It is repairable, but the situation is not ideal. I was mentally toying with the pssibility of getting a new one carved from a block of aluminium using a CNC. Having put the idea on the back burner i received an e-mail today from a chap who has made a new water pump for his Dennis using CNC. Here are a few photos of the process: So what do you think chaps? Would this solve my problem? How much does a massive hunk of ali cost? Tim (too)
  18. Brilliant idea. I was just about to buy one of these on E bay. You have saved me the bother (and money). I just need to buy a new printer cartridge and 2 reams of paper and i will be busy for the weekend. Some people do make a bit of pocket money by selling copies of these manuals. You may have just alienated them a little bit. C'est la Guerre! Tim (too)
  19. Drink it and raise a glass (or tin) to absent friends. Thats what i would do. Tim (too)
  20. Here is a genuine? WW1 sign up for sale on E Bay. The unit is the armoured Autocar MG Btn which i wrote about in MMI last year. I expect it will end up in a museum. Probably best place really. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=200225613399&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=010
  21. Cedric Brilliant! I didnt think that you would be able to find such interesting information. Marvellous how all this comes together. The photo is a Pavesi. I did not know that they went that far. Very interesting. Tim (too)
  22. In the meantime Father has been busy cleaning bits. Hard working fellow that he is: Tim (too)
  23. Here are the gearbox photos that Tony mentioned. Gearbox 2: Gearbox 3 with the damage marked: Plenty of opportunity to retrieve some gears, but lots of work involved. Tim (too)
  24. Cedric Thank you for your very interesting post. I agree with everything you say. We know about the Russo-Finnish war but i know nothing about the Finnish civil war. I understand that Finland acquired a number of surplus trucks from WW1 and i have pictures of some of these (all Packard). I dont speak the language unfortunatly, but perhaps you can confirm the langauge is Finnish, and you may recognise the location in the second photo, or the uniforms in the last one. Thanks again Tim (too)
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