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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. It is years since I have seen an in service Rover with the black patch. But maybe I don't come across airportable vehicles. These days it would be defined in the Joint Service Road Transport Regulations JSP 341 the last amendment I've got is in 1990 when it was still applicable. To my mind real Rovers were the 2A era, now its plastic rear lights, single windscreen, plastic dash, no bumberettes, no bridge discs etc. Although I enjoy the power, speed & economy of my Wolf, its not so fun as a something like a 2A.
  2. Chris. Either of the two mags. One editor was there who took some pics & a lot of pics by a photographer who supplies both magazines.
  3. 1950 Regulations make no reference to such markings. The first reference I can find is in 1959 Regulations for the transport of vehicles by sea or air. The serial to be painted in a prominent position on the near side, straight on the vehicle presumably. Units that had an airportable role (ie would be regularly transporting vehicles by air) had a matt black area 9.5 in high x 8.5 in wide painted on. This is repeated in 1969 Regulations. I think this was just for the serial no or the chalk number in the case of the matt rectangle. I have studied a large number of photos of airportable & airdropable vehicles of the Para Sqn RAC of the 1960s. Initially these were Deep Bronze Green there was a patch that appeared on each side of the lockers in matt black. On only one photo has it actually been written on in chalk, this was a FV162O being loaded marked "CHALK 3". Axle weights were not marked in 1960s, the first written requirement I can find is in 1975 Regulations where the black area became a 10 in square that now includes CHALK NO, RAW, FAW & AUW.
  4. Practical Wireless              1966 Wheel & Tracks                1995 Pegasus (Airborne Forces Journal)     1998 Tank (RTR Journal)              1999 Windscreen (MVT) 1996-2006 (contributed 276 pages)
  5. How can I decide whether to attach a signature or not. There used to be a box to click on or not to determine if a signature appears? All the Borat postings I decided not to have a signature but other postings there is a signature. So is the signature set in stone for all postings now? Cos now my signature has now been added to Borat but I originally didn't put one.
  6. In my corner I can't open the pdfs at all.
  7. One thing I have noticed is that where I have chosen not to use a signature on postings, that has now been overriden & signature is displayed on existing postings. On Borat postings my pig appears with my signature, this gives entirely the wrong idea as I have nothing to do with that tiresome buffoon with a moustache. I have just done a preview of this & my signature has gawn & the notify me of replies has been unticked now. Will this have to be ticked for each time a post? PS Ah once I posted it then the signature appeared.
  8. Jack. If they come up to your vehicle & let you know they are a veteran, then they want to talk. I just ask when did you serve with these? The difficulty is that some don't actually recognise your vehicle for what it is & will want to tell you all sorts of nonsense. But acceptance by a genuine vet who knows what your vehicle is all about is the ultimate accolade. Especially if they tell you your vehicle is better turned out than when they had it. The final privelege is to be made a member of their old comrades association & regard your vehicle as a mobile memorial to their pals. It is very humbling.
  9. fv1609

    'C' MV

    I bought CMV today purely for the Champ navigation article I find that FVRDE stuff absoloutly fascinating & I think there are more things like that will turn up. I don't normally buy either mag unless there is something really of interest. I don't even buy it when there are Humber things as I either have the info or there are embarrassingly wrong things said. Apart from my prejudices I thought it was good value in that it gave a good spread of subjects. Far better than Wheels & Tracks. Now I know W&T was great but it didn't have to come out each month & was unduly weighted to WW2 US stuff. So in the final years I cancelled my sub because there was so little in it of interest to me. I can understand this as it was almost exclusively written by Bart & that was where his main interests lay. He once told me he had in stock all ready enough material for several years without needing any contributors. To his credit he did publish one of my articles when I was having difficulties getting it published in a club magazine. But that's another story. So by & large I think these two mags do well. It must be a near overwhelming task having to produce this spectrum of interest month after month and trying to avoid doing similar articles that the other mag has recently covered. I think they are especially good as bait to draw the public into the hobby. Because when I started there was only W&T which was a bit stuffy in detail to a beginner & joining the then MVCG with a mag which in those days was basically a newsletter with minimal technical stuff. So good luck to both mags as I am sure they do bring people into the hobby which will help us all in the long run.
  10. fv1609


    Jagshemash Cliv tell me his pig is dyed, but my papa say a pig has to be dyed first before it can be cured. Is clever playing on the word is very funny. But Cliv has no humours now, he very boring anyway but he no smile now. I ask him why have two pig dyed in the engine, he get very humid with me. He get up early even with an overhang to do business to pig. He say me an early bird catches worm! But we have saying here that a worm who oversleeps is a worm who will live longest than a worms who get up early to make tunnels, work hard & get eaten by a bird who also wake up early. Is compliated but is true, yes? This right, my mama put me on her knees & say this to me when I was 21 year old on my berth day. She also say Borat you are getting very heavy & I am getting very thinner, so no more siting on my laps. Afterward we have party with jellys she make from bones of mayor goat which she make me strong in my man body part. It bad luck to make bones from nana goat & maybe make into a la-la man or if is a daughter she will be strong have may be a dozen childrens. But not at the same time, is very uncomfortable I think! Family have respect for mama so my wive she make her a new house, she work every hour God gives 23/6. New house for her it is like you have a granary annexe, this biggest we can afford. I buyed on ebuy, but I think some of walls are missed & roof has fallen down after some rainings like cats. But we have buy her some furniture, at the moment is not too much. It is village woodwork like we used to make in old times before communism come us in here. It is proud furniture, but is not very comfort table to the siting down parts even if you are not a man. But she not allowed to sit down much as the glue is not strong. It is not traditional dog glue we fit in applicators, the Ministry of Information say we not allowed use that now. So may be you let us in to join in the E&U now. It is not that we disrespect dog, it make dog proud to know one day he will be useful around the house. You like her house? It is tyring supervisising my wife doing her jobs she so slow so I go now in garage & stand proud to watch British film I think called Bridge over the River Bogey. Is not sound nice place to go swimming or my wive washing my underneath trouser in. But I want I could whistle like the men. Maybe you teach? So maybe sometime I come & meet the boys, do some whistling & cool out, we go catch some tottys, crack some whiskeys, maybe some presidential cigars, go shooting some crap, some fun time, have it a take it away & may be sick in back of tacki. And next day not remember why we have a sore in the head & other places. Good bye bye. Chenque
  11. Paul. Relax, the standard NATO hitch as on Rovers will fit in the existing holes in the pig. Although this is not the type of hitch originally fitted to Humbers. I assume the dimenisions & hole spacing was deliberate to allow vast numbers of vehicles of all types to be upgraded to NATO hitches with the minimum of fuss.
  12. Just one word of caution. This doesn't matter if you have a dynamo but if you have an alternaor make sure there is no liklihood of the battery being isolated with the engine running. The battery acts as a load & a sort of smoothing condenser. If the battery is not connected the voltage output from the alternator will rise & may destroy its diodes or other semiconductor equipment you have connected.
  13. fv1609

    Ok, lets go.

    Well I read a newspaper, heard many news items on many different stations and found no references to D-Day at all. All we seem to hear about is this confounded football match The human sacrifice was enormous & so was the planning & the logistics. It all happened with tremendous back up by the workforce of this country who made & cartoned up 375 million articles for use in Normandy & by the end of 1944 had provided a further 100 million articles.
  14. fv1609


    Jack Did you use that grey exhaust gungey putty stuff? Used to get it in a metal tub but when I recently did the exhaust on the Hornet I found you can get it in a tube to use in one of the gun things like for fitting bathroom sealant. This is much better as you can really force the stuff into narrow places. I would undo or significantly loosen the joints. Try to wet the mating surfaces, then with the gun squeeze fat worms of the stuff ideally on both mating surfaces. Then tighten up, wipe away excess, maybe smooth the gunge with a dribbly finger THEN WALK AWAY. Leave it alone! Don't run the engine in case it blows the goo out. Leave it until tomorrow, so that it dries hard.
  15. Paul if it does appear, do I get an agents commission for pointing both the professional photographers in your direction and pointing out the rare features of yours? Although I think I may have shot myself in the foot because the rarer pig next to yours didn't get the same, or in fact any, attention from them :cry:
  16. Neil So when you go back, can you go in the Salle Curiosités & could you take a picture of the Hornet for me? Preferably with mil reg & chassis plate. I'm a bit curious how they go that one :?
  17. Andrew Got any pics of your Humber 1-Ton Cargo? They are rarer than pigs these days. What's its mil VRN I can give you some history if you don't already know. Where in Devon are you? I spent the first 25 years of my life in Teignmouth.
  18. I think £15-£20 or if was in very good condition maybe £25. Better to pay up to that to be certain it is safe. But your pig shouldn't have one in its NI role :oops:
  19. Jack, I'm sure quite a lot of us were wondering if they were going to do a calendar 8)
  20. Jon Although I carry a vast amount of tools & spares with me. I have signed up to the under 7.5 tons scheme which is very reassuring and delighted that your company has seen this gap in the market. Reading the booklet/card that came, I am unclear which phone number to use to actuate the service. Should it be the car number or the commercial number? Then I can programme this into my mobile. Also what info do the helpline & recovery require? Just my name & address or membership no or a copy of the membership details? Just thinking on to next year, any plans for a Roadsure calendar featuring some of your representatives
  21. I try buy totty but too expensive for me, don't like U&K prices sorry to hear you have inconsinenance problem can be very embarrassing, special trouser will be very useful for you to keep it secret
  22. Yes the once regret is the hole in my suit is in embarassy place & people think maybe I couldn't wait to get for to the blue boxes that smell of fruit gums. I only have the once suit only it smell a little sweety by now as is made on Soviet cloth they call Draylon which very fashionable with us in the medias & TV. It cost me a year of wages, a bottle of vodkas and 20 applicators. But maybe next time Paul you buy me new suit as your sons earn you moneys they give you the moneys to bring you honour in your village.
  23. Paul. Yes is very nice meet you & all your sons. You must be very proud of some of them. We have good times, yes, I try not be seen by the Cliv in his wrong colour pig. I think he too old to notice I have been visit. You remember when I you sign me the check for the £500 for the orphanage, you forget to sign it. Maybe we both all drink too much of the wihsky, the local bank here only open once a month. But if you send me the money in notes is ok & we name one of the cisterns after your name. Is in your honour, It make proud to meet you as very generous man & enjoy your bonfire. Good bye bye. Chenque
  24. fv1609


    Jagshemash Tomorrow is new hunting season, like you in U&K we go shoot peasants. They arrive us from next village & show disrespect to my goat & make earth on my cabbages. If a man not have nice cabbage in his lawn how can he have respect from his womens & neighbours. Is like a cymbal, man with big cabbages can last longtimes. We also make soup off from cabbage & special shampon that stop hair looses. I like rub it in all over my places & especially by nice moustage. But this is near my nostriles that mean I smell the cabbage at often times. But it nicer smell than goat when is in the seasons. You have saying that the cabbages are greener on the other side of the fences. Yes is like we have saying, the neighbours wive is always prettier than you own. But cabbage also make easy with my movements of all types. I sometime do dance like locomotion & mashed potatoe but not yet learn do the fly or do the dog. Is not right thing I think. My mama mama like Glen Miller, she like dance & I think a jitterbugger. She like do bogey wogey but I use hanky. My mama mama work to keep fit for her dancing, so she still able to doos 3 days a week on plough. I know she seem lazy but she is 127 years old. So we make respect for our olders, not like in U&K who not care for old peoples & send them to places like houses of lords. But she still need to do this as it bring shame on a family if man have to do the womans thing with plough, so women all pull together on plough. This is so horse can have day off for shopping & having friends round. I am sorry is no picture this time. Local perty official from Ministry of Information is took it for take picture of my sister for money as she is pretty the places mostly. BTW (Borat Think Why?) Over here we need no entry form like in U&K. You have to get permission now? I leave you waiting for penny to click. Good bye bye. Chenque
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