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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Andy it will be part of a revamped charging article to be posted up here in due course. It is intended for 'bloke in his shed' tests without needing fancy test equipment. It will be quite easy to draw my new CVRT graph although I appreciate learning a new technique would save time if I was going to be doing a lot of them. I remember a chap I knew who spent a whole day writing a programme to design a special type of microwave filter. The answer was there at the touch of a few buttons saving a 5 min long hand calculation. But I only needed to construct one of these filters once ever couple of years, so for me it wasn't even worth installing it & learning how to use it. But what I wonder is, are kids taught about graphs? Are they still taught maths? Some people also wonder about literacy & even mathematics or maths as I'm used to saying seems now to be called 'math' :-(
  2. Thanks everyone I've done it now. The trouble was that the images I could download were rather small sections, so I had to piece 4 sheets together to get the size I wanted. A fiddle but not difficult, trouble was that my linear plot turned out to be slightly bent. Then I realised one row consisted of 9 units rather than 10. So had to start all over again. Anyway done this relationship for the Gen No.10, now got to do one for No.12 for all you CVR(T) users.
  3. Sorry I don't understand, can you gives us some more details please?
  4. Many thanks but Lee has found a ready made source I can just nab the image & get on with it.
  5. Ah Lee, you is de man! Just what I was after, many thanks.
  6. Once I get a bit of electronic graph 'paper' I'm quite happy to plot & draw a line in paint. I trying to derive tests for a 'bloke in his shed' to do on alternators using the minimum of equipment. The stator windings of an alternator I am working on has a resistance in the order of 0.025 ohms, of course this is not practical to measure directly! So I am trying to establish a graph whereby the measured current from it gives a certain voltage drop. This ratio will always be the same for a given winding. Depending on the circumstances of someone's test circuit there will be different readings from what I might state as an example. I wanted a graph so someone can put in their ammeter reading then read off the graph what should be the correct voltage drop, then compare it with the voltage reading they had obtained. So my graph would have say on the y axis 4 amps to 10 amps on the x axis 0.2 to 1.0 volts
  7. I've never really got my head round Excel. I have created a few basic files but that's about it. I've just created a block of squares & tried to open it in Paint but it won't read xls files. I could see no option of saving the xls as anything like a bmp. Are you say I could actually plot & draw my graph directly in Excel? Great if I can but even so it will take a time getting to grips with it. As this is a feature I won't need again for long time yet, I was hoping I could just find a blank piece of graph in a bmp format.
  8. Ah but then I'm back in the same situation as downloading a ready done pdf Nope. Although I have programme that will open a pdf for editing etc. But I supect it converts it to Word & then I have the problem that I have never been able to extract an image from Word.
  9. Lee thank you for the quick response but it is like all the other sites I found, it only provides for you to print a sheet of paper. What I'm looking for is a say a bmp document I can put into Paint & draw directly on it on the PC. I know I could print off a sheet, draw my graph with a pen then scan it. But that seems to be a messy analogue way of doing it in this day & age.
  10. I'm trying to plot a graph. I've given up trying to utilise grids in photo editing as once you move the image to file the grids disappear! I've googled around & can find lots of free sites where you can download graph paper if you want to print it off. But I want to use Paint to draw on to the graph. All the downloads I've found are pdf for printing off. I really want it in bmp but all the sites I found want me to download some fancy graph paper creating programme with strings attached. Anyone know a site that can provide this or could send me a page of graph paper in bmp please?
  11. I'm afraid the Jagger stuff is in a metric profile! From a 1960s catalogue I see the imperial stuff was available in two profiles.
  12. There was a thread on this last year. Yes you can still get it: http://www.albert-jagger.co.uk/Portals/0/010_a1_metalprofile.pdf
  13. Unfortunately I have no CG. I have some VAOS but mainly COSA: A2 A3 A4 A41 A5 A6 B2 CA CB CF CM CN CV Dress Regulations for Officers 1983 I'll peruse for some of those items you describe that may fall in above. Yes might be of interest the ATS listing. I'm after Clothing Regulations Pamphlet No.5 Scales of Clothing for Women. I've got nearly the full set No.1 - 9 but No.5 continues to elude me.
  14. Panic over its all back again. For some reason it was a second reboot that seemed to cure it.
  15. I've lost the forum skin. Most of display is plain text, scrolling down I can get into some green stuff where there are some stretched out posts. But none of the compactness of what I usually see. So is it me? I updated Firefox earlier then shortly afterwards updated Java. Have they done something? Any ideas please.
  16. Have you got an official designation for that? Was it a general issue or was it more for particular units? This will help me search through the Clothing Regs, but can't quite see anything matches the title.
  17. Perusing the various pamphlets that comprise the Clothing Regulations 1953 I note: Pre NSN, VAOS Ref CC 0480 Only issued to men Not issued to officers, women or TA Troop ships were required to carry 50 When a soldier was discharged or transferred to TA he was allowed to keep it. Along with these items, although not sure I would be too keen on the part-worn woollies.:shake:
  18. Seems about right, I'm in the middle of the brown stuff
  19. The change from gloss to matt was quoted in the EMER Technical Description as an improvement in heating efficiency when describing the improvement of the No.2 Mk 2/1 over the No.2 Mk 1 So you may have a Mk 2/1 & someone thought it looked smarter in gloss, in which case paint it matt again. Or you may have a Mk 1, in which case it might be worth an upgrade to Mk 2/1 & get other improvements Or if you don't upgrade paint it matt anyway.
  20. Sankey & Brockhouse initially were the principal manufacturer's. There should be a contract plate on it, if you give me the contract number I may have it on my list & be able to say what it is. If you want to get this thread really moving, a few pictures will get people joining in:D
  21. Wonder what bits those are? Some transistors contain the carcinogen Beryllium oxide, but we don't have any of those with this. The repair EMER tells you not to handle carbon discs. I think that is just a greasy finger contamination issue, as later on it tells you to blow away any carbon dust when you examine them. If it has had a lot of use, it might be worthwhile removing the piles & cleaning them carefully as the are rubbed with the varying pressure from the solenoid they abrade & produce dust. There are 53 discs in the voltage regulator & 76 in the current regulator. Might be worth checking that you have the later Gen Panel No.2 Mk 2/1 rather than the No.2 Mk 1. There were a number of improvements. Also worth checking it is painted matt black rather than gloss black, otherwise overheating may be an issue.
  22. Paul, I've lost the thread of where you are. So no charging still? That is based on charge light staying on or have you put a voltmeter on the batteries & observed readings at tick over & when you rev hard?
  23. Bob, as I said my main problems have been brushes on the dynamo. I've only had two regulator problems when one would deliver nearly 30 volts & another that was sealed & came out of a box that would give no output at all. The best regulation came from one that was found in the mud on the floor of a scrapyard. Didn't look too pretty but performed just fine. I've never seen the carbon piles for sale as individual units.
  24. Neil I'm sorry I don't have any manuals on wartime vehicles, my vehicle interests are more recent. The manuals I was referring to cover more general logistical & administrative subjects I'm afraid.
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