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Chris Hall

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Posts posted by Chris Hall

  1. I think that's the later Mk5 nut, the earlier nut had the rows of holes but they had the same number, ie 2 rows of 6 where as the later had one row of 3 and one row of 6 at the front. The mk2 had 3 rows of 3.


    you would need the earlier type for wartime mk5s. You could of course convert a mk2 into a mk5 if need be.


    Looking for a Mk2 barrel nut - the type factory fitted to the MkV Sten gun. It had a different arrangement of cooling holes to the Mk1 barrel nut (as factory fitted to the MkII Sten gun) due to the position of the foregrip attachment ring. There's a picture of one here:






    Would ideally like to source one from within the UK or EU.





  2. The secret room does suggest there were some suspicious activeties and I'm not defending the guy. It just annoys me that the story is hyped up by stating there was 200,000 rounds of ammo and every gun was live when blatantly that was incorrect and they will have known that. Had they stated he had 500 guns, 480 of which were deactivated and XX number were live prohibited then The story would have been credible.


    chris hall: indeed very manoeuvrable and very useful things, my dad used one in the 70's at R.A.F. Coningsby for all and sundry from moving armourment (he was an armourer) to moving phantoms




    Thats where I'm based now, as you may have guessed, I'm a 21 year Armourer now but I'm getting disallusioned with it all. The MOD have changed our pension and now my trade has had pay cuts while the other 2 aircraft trades have had pay. Rises. The RLC Ammo Tech gets paid more than us now for doing a lesser job. So it looks like I will be PVRing along with a large amount of other armourers as there are no promotion prospects and no chance of a pay rise. I'm on a pay freeze until promotion if it comes and even then it's not worth it for £20 a month. Especially if it's away from my family. Having only been at home for 2 years of my sons 5 year life and having only been there for one birthday, it's time to leave.


    If if any younger members were thinking of joining the RAF, don't, unless your really adamant in which case, try and be an officer. 150 engineers have PVRd (premature early departure) in the last 6 weeks due to a number of recent issues (Ops, Pay and pension) so that's saying something.


    well gripes over.

  4. Anyone seen this?




    it was in the daily mail, what a load of poop. The story and detective has lost all credability by stating all guns were live and 200,000 rounds of live ammo. There's not one round of ammo shown. Lots of cases and bullets but no rounds. Also the STEN Mk3 is clearly deactivated in one photo so I would guess that the majority are also deactivated. A firearms dealer was convicted on 20 counts for supplying prohibited weapons. So 20 out of 500 makes them all live.


    Had the Police and the Daily Mail been truthful the story would have had credability but now it's just properganda!

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