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Chris Hall

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Posts posted by Chris Hall

  1. What a joke,


    It would appear this guy has been found guilty before trial.


    'An armoury of more than 40 deadly firearms and weapons' Who says? The shells I see look like base ejecting illum rounds or inert.


    'Officers then raided his home and Greater Manchester Police say over 40 prohibited weapons were recovered'. Allegedly prohibited!


    'However, officers have warned that there could have been serious consequences if the weapons, including shells, missiles, guns and ammunition, had fallen into the wrong hands'


    Anything could have serious consequences in the wrong hands.


    Got to take my hat off to the idiots who wrote this article and the Police for not checking things out before releasing news to the press. The items should have been checked and returned with no further action, only if something was wrong should they have considered releasing the news.


    During the amnesty there will also be a change in legislation which will make it illegal for certain people to hold weapons such as antique firearms.


    Anyone heard about this?

  2. It's funny how in another report a few weeks back they stated that the firearms were deactivated yet now this reporter states many were live and loaded. Load of crap!!!


    Looking at the photo, depending on the spec of some of the SMGs like the Thompson 1928A1, there could be a lot of money in that lot. The relatives should be given the opportunity to sell the items and not pushed into having them destroyed.

  3. Best thing is to read the online book Home office guide to firearms licencing.




    To be very basic, as said, smooth bored single shot can be on a Shot gun licence


    Single shot rifled can be on a Section 1 firearm licence


    Automatic like a RADEN (I think it's 30mm Automatic) would require section 5 authority which is hard to get but not impossible.


    Next thing would be ammo, blanks need no licence unless you make them and store a certain quantity of powder in which case you need an explosive licence.


    Any other kind of explosive or Armour piercing round requires section 5 Authority, even a .55" Boys projectile "used" needs a section 5 authority due to the Tungston AP core.


    Obviously there is lot's of other things as mentioned such as barrel length, overall length, calibre etc. etc.

  4. This from one of the HM Forces web pages


    When is OK to wear my relatives medals ?

    War medals and service decorations of any sort may be worn only by the person upon whom they were conferred, and in no case does the right to wear war or service medals, or their ribbons, pass to any relative when the recipient is dead. Modifications of the above rule are permitted in connection with Remembrance Day, when relatives who desire to avail themselves, on those days only, of the distinction of wearing the decoration and medals of deceased relatives, they may do so, wearing them ON THE RIGHT BREAST.

  5. Well, I've been toying for a while with the idea of buying a Half Track to restore so I've a number of questions to ask before I even think of buying one.


    Where is a good place to keep an eye open for one? I've been watching milweb.


    What sort of price would a restoration project be? original armour present wouldn't concern me to much.


    What's the spares situation? There appear to be plenty of repro armour suppliers around but what about the engine/transmission components. I believe these were off the shelf parts back in the day but what about now?


    I'm not in a rush so any advice is welcome.

  6. The .5" Browning used in aircraft was just one incarnation of the M2 Browning known as the M2AC. There was also a water cooled version used predominantly by the USA as a Anti Aircraft machine gun called the M2WC and then there was the Soldiers favourite, the M2HB or M2 Heavy Barrel (Called the Ma Deuce by G.I.s).


    There were also differing versions of the AC version too, fixed or flexible. Then you could have different fixtures for each of those too, wing guns would have solenoid or pneumatic firing where as turret guns may have a number of variations. As they all share the M2 mechanics, it's quite easy to turn a M2AC into a ground gun.


    A flexible M2AC from say the waist of a B17 could be ready to go straight away, but a wing gun would need modifying by adapting what was there, or if your friendly plumber had spare parts, he could fit it out with flexible parts or HB parts.


    The most well known use of the AC in ground use must be the LRDG and SAS in the deserts of WW2.


    This shows my official M2AC cutaway which I set up as a ground gun on a M3 tripod (Since converted back).




    This one shows a M2AC and the official M2AC Cutaway.




    This is my M2HB, note how they are basically the same, major difference between the AC and HB being the barrel.




    And the parts break down.



  7. Any ideas roughly what date this was done please? I understand that this would make for smoother feed in the mag preventing jams.

    I have a few without the conversion too.

    Still looking for the manufacture codes if anyone can help.

    I have about 90 mags, lots of different codes, about 20 in all. The internet has identified about half dozen, just want to see if any interesting one's in there!

    Two are Israeli (star of David stamp) I have few different constructed (folded and pressed box) by same factories, Austin etc

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    If anyone is looking for a particular make or style mag, drop me a line and see what I have.






    It's a post war thing and I reckon they would have been modified as required over many years. I believe the problem was that it was a double stack mag feeding into a single stack and this caused friction and binding. The modified mag keeps the rounds in a single stack, hence the 20 rounds.

  8. Holy Moly !!!!!!!!! 1500 a day !!!!! and nearly a million made ?!?!?! where have they all gone??? :cool2:


    Just to clarify ...is that total production amount of just the MK3 or all the Stens ever made? ...Thanks ! :)


    That's just the Mk3 by Lines Brothers. Lots were just scrapped, dumped or sold to developing nations who have since, scrapped, dumped or re-sold them again. There are lots of Deac Ex Finn (Which were Ex British) guns about and some of these came out of Africa recently I believe.

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