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Chris Hall

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Posts posted by Chris Hall

  1. Thanks Adrian, I will try that.


    Cheers Chris, whatever lifted the dammed thing would certainly fly one wing low if it unless there were two or it was belly mounted, its bloody heavy!


    youd be surprised at how little difference it makes to an aircraft like Tornado or Typhoon. Even loading them isn't much of a problem.


    loading Bombs is just one of the many things I do regularly.



  2. The 1000lb GP wasn't specific to Harrier, in fact Harrier tended to carry the 500lb bomb. The 1000lb was seen more on the Tornado and then on Typhoon. It was phased out in favour of the 500lb PWIV but is now coming back into service on the PWII and EPW2.

  3. When you take the engine out, Pop the core plugs and flush out/remove all the sediment. My engine water ways around the rear cylinder was solid with scale, rust, a stone and a rusted beyond recognition tool! I was surprised how much was in there, I popped the top rear one first and the crap was there. So glad I decided to pop them.

  4. You maybe overestimating how these guys worked. We couldn't rely on mains powered clocks as the frequencies weren't correct. The clocks used to lose about 10 minutes every hour in the accommodation blocks (as we had US 120v power converted to 240v) and gain 10 mins in every hour in the Tech site. It was a nightmare!

  5. I was just perusing a thread where the poster stated the images contained with in the thread were his and were not to be copied and used elsewhere.


    This got me to thinking about an event that occurred a few years back. Top Gear the Tv programme were filming a stunt with a Veyron on our unit which was to be aired in the next series. Obviously this was exciting for the whole unit and every man and his dog were out taking photos and videos and pasting them all over social media and YouTube. The BBC were not amused and complained to the MOD that their programme was being undermined by the posting of private images and video on the Internet.


    The MOD responded by broadcasting to the unit that all images and videography taken on MOD property, was and remained the property of the MOD regardless of who took them and action would be taken against those that infringe upon them. So for those that claim copyright on images taken on MOD property, just be aware that it may not be the case. Don't get me wrong, the chances of the MOD claiming rights is 99.9% not going to happen but if there was a copyright infringement by an individual, and the alleged owner took action, there's a good chance it will be thrown out as technically you are not the copyright owner.


    (No action was ever taken by the BBC or the MOD but the threat was there. There are other stories too but I shan't go into those).

  6. I know it has 1960 printed on this MG42 but is that the real date, can anyone point me in to the direction of a serial number data base? or what any of the other markings mean apart from the proof house one.


    Thank you


    Is this a Yugo MG42/56? As far as I know all MG42s made in Germany were 7.92mm as 7.62 didn't exist until the 50s

  7. Welcome to the forum, I'm in the RAF too, but I joined as an Armourer (insert well known song here) there's quite a few serving and ex serving members. I hope you find what you need, have you rung around the ranges and training areas near you? There could be some donor vehicles knocking around Thetford Forest.

  8. Thank Ron, do these switch's come apart easily or is there a knack before I start disassembling it ? I suspect that there's springs, plungers & ball bearing in there waiting to jump out & never to be found again ?


    nothing that complicated. It's literally a cam roller, some screws for contacts and a rocker with Spring. Nothing to it.

  9. Hi


    Anyone know of any dealers that stock the clip from the distributor , or has anyone got a couple they would like to sell . I found some in the states but unfortunately they don't export .






    if you have no luck and not in a rush, I'm off to the states in September for 2 months so can bring some back.

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