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Everything posted by draganm

  1. Type 95 Ha-go restoration really impressive too when you consider the difficulty in language barrier, non-existent documentation, etc. Surprised more of them haven't been grabbed by collectors off the various Islands in Micronesia
  2. holy cow, enough to keep a person busy for hours. I forgot all about the king tiger in Sweden, I thought that project was dead in the water. Now it looks like they're close to a working vehicle :wow: If there's one thing this world needed, it's a 3rd running tiger tank :cheesy: The Firefly looks really great too, ........heck they're all really cool. done
  3. With the exception of the beautiful Valentine in NZ being posted here, and a couple of others, seems like most of the threads here were started a while ago and not much new stuff lately so I thought I would post some interesting ones from FB because they are active and lots of new pics being posted. Stug 3 ausf D in Kent, amazing job on this one from a shooting range wreck, very close to rolling on it's own power https://www.facebook.com/StugIIIAusfDRestoration/ Sdkfz 164 Nashorn, ( Netherlands) this ones moving along nicely and especially interesting as there's only 2 other known vehicles in the world. Currently looking for parts too https://www.facebook.com/Nashorn.SD.KFZ.164.restauration The 2 half-tracks Sdkfz 250 and Sdkfz 7 pulled from the chicken River in Poland. Really great work on these by a museum. https://www.facebook.com/PanzerFarm/ Stug 3 Ausf G Alket (Poland?) https://www.facebook.com/StugIIIG/?ref=py_c The Tiger 1 Replica at the AAAM https://www.facebook.com/Ausarmourworkshop/ know of any others?
  4. great story here by a guy who visited the area and talked to a lot of the locals http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/05/09/searching-for-nazi-gold
  5. Poland appears to be a great place for historic military vehicles. Looks like you can go into your back-yard with shovel, dig down 1 meter, and pull out a Panzer
  6. really surprising no ones salvaged the Hotchkiss H-35 yet. Being a Dunkirk veteran ?, gives it very high historical significance, and it even looks like the sand burial left a nice protective crust on the outside. Worth building a desalinization tank for I would think?
  7. safe to say that beaches are the worst possible place for armored vehicles? Seems like the immersion in salt water, followed by open air, followed my more salt water on a daily basis just eats them up.
  8. Snow blower model, maybe for clearing runways? Dam I wish I had the right property for this stuff http://denver.craigslist.org/cto/5516866187.html This is definitely not OSHA approved
  9. White M2 or M3 half track , inner half of the track tensioner wheel, and one set of road wheels (4 per vehicle)
  10. it's really weird, last year they wrapped up the season by end of summer, early Fall, and the episodes aired every month, 8 episodes. If they start now and keep that schedule, they won't finish til December :sweat: Even if they're still filming, Surely they have some ready to go?
  11. Digging to start 3rd week of April, which by my count is tomorrow. The weather in Czech Republic supposed to mid 50's/low 60's by Friday, so as long as the shovels are sharp , then the big pay-off any day now. :n00b:
  12. seize and destroy, why? Are they after the land or is it for non-payment of taxes? looks like a lot of fun though, opening an artillery battery that was purposefully preserved, sometime after WW2? https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.beredskapsmuseet.com%2F&edit-text=
  13. ok, it's been a full year since the start of Season 2 , any news on combat dealers S3 episode guide? Starting to feel like a junkie in need of a fix :undecided: I can't find anything on it, either on a general search or Bruce's FB page other than a vague reference that they are in fact filming episodes for S3.
  14. AND the second ones, 6 bolt pattern with support loop, are M41 Walker bulldog . What prize did I win
  15. the first 2, the 12 bolt pattern with the shielded oil/grease port, look like return rollers on a late model Sherman,
  16. Surely it would be hard to go to a W&P like event in a more appropriate camper than this? $18K asking http://www.armyjeeps.net/ShopVan/ShopVan.htm
  17. beautiful work on the tank, I weld a fair amount of thin walls stainless, mostly 16 gauge, and it really welds pretty cleanly as long as you get the edges to but up tight before welding. Any gap and it just crawls away from the weld puddle. What I don't have is all the forming and rolling equipment that whoever made the tank had access to, feeling a little jealous. The fab stuff is surprisingly hard to find used, people just seem to hang onto it. I have a shear and a bending brake, but would love some rolling capability too. Seems like anything above 18 gauge is hydraulic though, and your fuel-tank is 14. That takes a good amount of force to form or roll. BTW, Is the Mk-V truly powered by a single 6 banger diesel, is it supercharged? or is there a pair working in tandem?
  18. well to this lot, priceless artworks would be a load of shot up panzer iV's and hummels with the original unit insignia and battlefield damage still intact. I mean what would you rather see, the Amber Room or the worlds 3rd known Ferdinand Tank destroyer, it's a no-brainer. ; )
  19. it's baaacckkkk http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/nazi-gold-train-hunters-start-7648560 I guess in a few weeks we'll know once and for all, or not :laugh:
  20. I really wish my new car would last "only 70 years" The Galvanic corrosion is certainly an issue, but those tanks looks like sand castings to me. If so then they started off life as a very porous "metal sponge". Any extruded sheet or plate AL would be better, something in a 5000 series marine grade AL would be ideal. I guess keeping that Dennis logo is a big deal though to the vehicles value and collectibility. tough little problem to solve, an investment casting today would cost a fortune.
  21. In case you haven't seen this, it's really pretty cool what these guys are doing. One of the tiger I props from Fury has found it's way "down Undah" and is being turned into a running Replica. They are going quite a bit further with it than the replica built for the Russian movie White Tiger . Mainly, I see a pretty authentic looking torsion bar suspension (from a T55?) that will hold the correct overlapping road-wheels and original looking drive mechanism. By using a scratch built chassis box, it will prevent the too narrow & too tall issue you see with the T55-tiger replicas they used on Private Rryan. should be a nice addition to their Panther under restoration . https://www.facebook.com/Ausarmourworkshop/ for a Replica , that is some pretty convincing plate on the chassis, 2cm thick?
  22. if it's gold bars your after your much better off swimming in a lake http://www.marketwatch.com/story/teenager-gets-to-keep-20000-gold-bar-found-in-german-lake-2016-02-05 However the possibility of a military train carrying battle damaged tanks to rear area or even back to Germany, like was done many times to remedy a problem or improve a capability (Ferdinand to Elephant conversion) etc. and that a train such as this was parked in a tunnel-siding , then overrun by soviet Troops who blew the tunnel shut . Well, it doesn't seem all that unlikely to me, Stranger things have been found. I also wish they had called in some experts instead of professors and students from the University . They were there for what weeks? and this is the most definitive statement hey could make LOL . Also, why haven't they released any images or data? I hope we hear a little more after Spring thaw
  23. I see what looks like a booster in these pics, the can on the left side ? Also, can anyone verify the lug spacing is 6 on 7.25" bolt hole circle? any comments welcomed but to me it looks like the engine compartment and cab are in "time capsule" condition, what'ya guys think? I bet that's the original oil-slinger 6
  24. well it's 3 hours away, and before I drive down there I will need to have a line on rims and tires. If I can't move it then no go, but I've got some inquiries out. However I can see the grill looks original and the scripted engine panels are just visible. Running boards look to be part of the Fender? What's a Hydrovac?
  25. sure there are better ones but not for $750. OBO. Only thing missing is drive-shafts, bed?, and non original gas tank. All the rubber is rotted away and seller is speculating that it ran last in the 60's. I mean in many ways it's like a time capsule, Seems like a shame to tear something like that apart no? :-|
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