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Photo Shoot near Tanfield Railway

Jessie The Jeep

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We got a little damp today. Four of us with vehicles ( three jeeps and a Dodge WC52 ) and the NE WW2 Re-enactors went to a derelict farm house near Tanfield Railway today for a photo shoot. Apart from it being my first off roading with the jeep, down some very muddy, rutted tracks, we had a great laugh "Somewhere in France".


Despite searching hard, and firing off a few rounds, we didn't find the enemy, though we did find some rusty tin cans that we were convinced were land mines! and our leader, "The General", won the Purple Heart for pulling a muscle in his back tripping over rock!


I took over sixty photos, but here are six of the pictures for your amusement.


First pic, most of the gang, the ones who weren't armed with cameras.



On the march



Defensive positions



Noel in his new GPW manning the 30 Cal, and me on the snipers rifle



Suspected enemy positions under bombardment



Myself looking apprehensive prior to a Berlin mission




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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know, that 30 cal doesn't seem to be very heavy either!

Of course he could just be a really stong bloke but in the 5th picture he has it casualy sitting on his arm like a shotgun!


Now if its replica then i'm even more interested as I have been looking around for plans to build one myself, can anyone out there help :?:




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