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Normandy amour?


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Hi all,


don't know if this is the right place. But we have the idea to go to Normandy this year with our halftrack m5. Now we heard a rumour that no armoured vehicles is allowed, is this correct?


Anyone who has more information regarding this?





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Don't forget the French siezed two deacs (.50cal & carbine) this year, banged up the owners for 48hrs & fined them 750euros... all because they didn't have French deac proof marks.... The MVT have banned taking deacs on their Normandy Tour..

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Basically unless you are part of an organised tour, with a sheaf of written permissions, don't take the risk of going anywhere near Normandy. The French are basically fed up of the whole the whole thing turning into a fiasco (the terms some of the local officials and politico's have used are far stronger) They consider that it disrespectful to the Veteran's to have eight year olds running about in uniform and sloppy long haired layabouts in officer's uniforms with personal jewllery and decorations they are not entitiled to (there terms not mine). It is not that there is a ban as such (Thiough you might be hard pressed to tell the diffrence if you just turn up) all that is required is that the written permissions are in place, unfortunatley this covers any 'Military Vehicle' or , so it seems to be getting, anything that even vaguley appears military. All accomadation etc is also bokked solid anyway.

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We were not planning to take deacs to Normandy, only our Halftrack M5. We’re planning to go with 7 people (in British uniforms) in the halftrack (ages from 21-44 years, no 8 years old ;))

We were thinking to join up a group (like www.normandyevents.com) that arrange accommodation and permissions.

But I think my question is answered, Halftracks (armoured vehicles) are allowed with the right permissions

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