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On 26th November 1943 a section of land next to the Parish church of St Luke with St James in St Helier, Jersey was dedicated as a cemetery for Allied personnel whose bodies were recovered in Jersey. At that time the Island was occupied by German forces.

The land itself was part of the Howard Davis Park. The land had originally been given to the Island by the millionaire philanthropist Thomas Davis in memoriam of his youngest son killed in the Great War.

The cemetery is not a War Graves Commission site; it is managed by the States of Jersey and Parish of St Helier. Despite being first dedicated in 1943 there is one Great War burial that of Pte. G. Hanlon 12864 RDC Died 11.11.1916. There is also one civilian burial Maurice Jay Gould died 1.10.1943 Germany.

The greatest single number of casualties are the crew of the HMS Charybdis sunk in 1943, some burials have full details, but many are listed as Known unto God. Most graves are marked with the date of burial, a few with the date of death.

The cemetery flies two flags, the Union flag and that of the United states, this is due to the burial of twelve US forces casualties, airforce and naval. The occupying forces did conduct all burials with full military honours and allowed the Islanders to lay wreaths and pay respects.

American Personnel

16047394 Wm H Westemeier US Airman buried 1.12.1944

31152328 A.E. Poitras US Airman buried 27.9.1943.

0680067 2nd Lt. E.G.J. Pallantine US Airman buried 6.11.1944.

8619356 Edward J Pycz U.S.N. buried 6.11.1944

W. H. Kearns U.S.N. buried 6.11.1944

J. J. Manning U.S.N. buried 6.11.1944.

Woodrow W. Anderson U.S.N. buried 6.11. 1944.

Junius L. Stout described as U.S. Forces buried 6.11.1944.

0673265 Wm. H. Parus U.S Airman buried 30.9.1944.

7088509 Rudolf Schaffroth U.S.N. buried 15.8.1944.

5216961 Richard E. Horsfield U.S.N. buried 15.8.1944.

9122432 Darril A. Bricker U.S.N. buried 15.8. 1944.

RAF Personnel

591396 Sgt A. Holden R.A.F. buried 6.6.1943

81635 Sqd-Ldr H. A. C. Gonay R.A.F. died 14.6.1944.

Royal Naval Personnel

POX101634 BDSN J. Drake R.M. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 7.11.1943.

DJX257943 A.S. H. Duncan R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 7.11.1943

DMX 55184 E.R.A. I. W. Madden H.M.S. Charybdis buried 7.11.1943.

DMX759780 Mech. D. L. Cameron R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 17.11.1943.

DMX74832 E.R.A. T. Wellens R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 17.11.1943

PJX299074 O.S. A. W. Willis R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 17.11.1943.

DMX54131 S.P.O. A. L. Milton R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 17.11.1943.

DJX178507 O.S. M. Reynolds R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 17.11.1943.

DMX74113 P.O. F. Thomas R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 29.11.1943.

DJX285701 O.S. A. S. C. Toozer R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis buried 17.11.1943.

DJX417624 O.S. K. I. Harold R.N. H.M.S. Charybdis died 23.10.1943.

The remainder of the memorials are marked A NAVAL RATING RN. Date of burial and KNOWN UNTO GOD.





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