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Importing vehicles/artillery from France

REME 245

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I was speaking to a friend recently who said the French authorities are getting very strict on the export of First World War items which are now considered to be part of the national heritage. Appearantly export licences are required.


Can anyone confirm this and if it extends to any WW2 items at the moment.

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What do you define as "items". Strange how they are getting excited about it now when it was all so much scrap until recently. I know that it is a very bad thing to take anything found near Verdun but was not aware of any embargo on soft skin MV's. To export armour you do need an export licence though.


I noticed in VM magazine that a GMC driver was stopped and had his deac 50 cal taken away because it was not deactivated to French standards. It does look like they are tightening up the laws - no doubt becuase we are all such a terrorist threat.


Tim (too)

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I was thinking more about WW1 artillery but I understand at a recent auction it was made clear that nothing of what they considered to be of historic importance could be removed from France without a Licence.


I was not aware of that. Mind you, with the prices things go for out there i am suprised anyone can afford to bring anything back into the country from France.


Tim (too)

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