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Help please with markings / service of 1965 2a FFR (11ER04) with the 101 RA

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Now, if it were 103 Regt (V) it would be easy as I have lots of photos of them, and 100 was the regiment which owned my old Lightweight, but 101.  Don't know yet, let me have a dig.


A quick glance at the internet suggests that this was a Northumbrian TA regiment and there is a Facebook site Northumbrian Volunteer Artillery Association. It's a private group, so you'd have to apply to join, but they will be able to tell you all you need to know

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Probably not as that is the generic RA badge.  It is more likely that each of the 3 constituent batteries would carry their own insignia. At that time they would have been 203, 204 and 205 Med Btys RA (V).  But, of course, your vehicle might also have belonged to regimental HQ.  Try their Facebook page.

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20 minutes ago, Paulisabout said:

How does the 101 fit with the 203, 204 and 205 ??

In the Royal Artillery the equivalent of an infantry battalion is called a regiment.  It is still commanded by a lieutenant colonel.  In this case that regiment is 101.  Usually the RA describe their regiments according to their role, eg Medium, Light, Field, Light Anti Aircraft etc etc but 101 was a Territorial Army regiment with its own title - (Northumbrian).  It still exists.  Each regiment is made up of batteries (equivalent to infantry companies and commanded by majors).  RA batteries have their own distinctive histories with, usually, their own titles from that history.  RA units don't win battle honours as thie motto is Ubique, meaning everywhere - which, of course, reflects the fact that there won't have been many battles where the RA haven't taken part.  Nor do they have colours (regimental flags) as their colours are the actual guns (which is why you salute them on parades).  The batteries, in this case 203, 204 and 205 during the period you are looking at were medium batteris eg (204 Medium Battery RA (V) - the (V) being for Volunteer as opposed to regular army.  Medium at that time would have meant that they would have been equipped with 5.5" guns towed by Leyland Martian Medium Artillery Tractors (with, possibly, one or two old AEC Matadors as they were a TA unit.)

You'd have to look up exactly how many guns each battery had (probably 8 in two troops of 4, but I can't remember.  I have it written down somewhere.  But each battery would have a deputy - called a second-in-command - in RA parlance the Battery Captain or BK and a number of Land Rovers, 3 tonners etc, some with radios some without.  And RHQ would also have similar vehicles.  Generally speaking, those in the chain of command: Commanding Officer, Battery and Troop Commanders would have FFR Land Rovers as would one or two others.

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