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Hi all,

Always dreamed of owning a tank. Started to look into it more seriously lately in case something in the near future ends up working out, figured it would be a good idea to make an account here! Would love to have a T-72 or something, but there's nothing to substantiate that is a dream really. Actually, if I'm dreaming, I always found the lerclerc to be fascinating, but I know that's a just a little bit modern to be feasible, lol. 

As for information about me, always loved military history, and mechanical stuff. Tanks naturally, are great at filling both roles, particularly the mechanical. I work in the firearms industry over here so I get to see some interesting stuff from my position, but always wanted to get into bigger stuff, even if I couldn't restore the guns. Based out of WV.  


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Hi Ryan,

Tank ownership is as good as it appears from the outside but few people actually go looking for a specific vehicle unless they are of unlimited means! Most people I know just kept their ears open for bargains then went to look, then decided if it was a good price.

A few other considerations:

Difficulty of moving the larger vehicles. 

Secure storage

Availability of information and spares 

Tools needed including heavy lift equipment (may not even use standard spanners and sockets)

Fuel costs and land available to drive

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Yes, That is just dreaming after all. In the end some tank, or armored car, or truck, is better than no tank. All depends on some stuff for me, and it wouldn't be for a while no matter what happens!

I have spent a considerable amount of time to think about most of that a lot, in particular security/storage and running space. Thanks to the dying industry around me there are actually a fair number of old buildings equipped for working on massive mining equipment - fantastic for heavy vehicles, but of course then those have little to no running space, while all the open land needs a garage or shop built to support equipment like that..

I was at a tank show in Virginia just recently, and I actually had a nice conversation with a former ferret owner who echoed the same sentiment, having realized the costs and problems of tank ownership he settled on a ferret instead. I would likely do similar if needed. But I will enjoy dreaming in the meantime! 




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