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Pricing a Willys (Nekaf) M38A1


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Trying to come up with a sensible offer on the above....1953, 40k miles.  It runs v well....on the button, quiet engine; brakes just done, so mechanically good although poss clutch replacement due soon and crankcase seal seems to have a leak.  Bodywork, tidy but a bit tired, dings and one fibreglass front wing.  Chassis pretty much sound but front half of floor panel is fibreglass.  Fittings/electrics a little messed around with - lighting switch replaced with modern Halfords type, horn button now on dash......that sort of thing.  Seats fine, hood/top tired.  Tyres likely needing replaced.  All up, its a working-fine Jeep and has been looked after as a family hack, always garaged and loved, but a long way from being a show vehicle.  How to price that???

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I'm building one out of budget bits - far from original but will do the job - and it's given me an idea of how much bits are. One big issue seems to be about the 24v components on for those so equipped (they are pricey for US made M38A1s).

A 'pro' is that there are lots of parts available in Holland and the US. I have bought a lot of parts from Monty2000/Atlantic Automotive/Roy Harris on eBay and the reason that I mention this is that if you browse his sale items you'll be able to get an indication of the cost of anything you need to replace. Mine is going to needs its rusty T90 box rebuilding and I doubt that it'll be cheap but the bits are available.

The other thing I have noticed is that there are some 'optimistically' priced complete vehicles that turn up on eBay - sad but true; the M38A1 in US or NEKAF form doesn't command anywhere the price of the wartime MB/GPW. 

Increasingly the presence of a V5 on anything imported pushes prices up.

16in solid Jeep wheels fetch more money than 15in CJ5 rims. 

7.00x16 NDT bar grips aren't as plentiful as 6.00s on MBs.

Increasingly people are scared of projects so good buys are possible... This is perhaps a long-winded way of saying, start cheap as you can always up your bid!





Edited by Jolly Jeeper
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Thanks, JJ!  Useful comments.  I did have trawl around to check out spares availability and that seems fairly good.  This one is a perfectly decent runner but, like yours, it sounds like, will be economically not worthwhile doing a full restoration - just a fun vehicle that looks the biz and drives better than its WW2 equivalent - and with more space! I would just whack on some NL decals to give it back its identity - certainly its not going to be another Band of Bros wannabe!

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I'm glad to help. Something else that I should have mentioned is that - as you have said - many NEKAFs are painted as US Army Jeeps (just like Hotchkiss M201s I suppose) but the differences are evident as I'm sure you know. If yours is missing any bits I have the very small protectors for the Dutch side-marker lights that came in a box of bits I bought - there may be a few other bits that I won't need either. I'll look when I go to my shed next.

Like you, I think a usable green Jeep that's not too perfect is a worthwhile thing that offers scope for fun use - people have had almost stock Lightweight LRs for the same reason for years! 



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Thanks again, JJ.  I think it still has its side repeaters intact.  Unfortunately it has lost the rather trick original dashboard lights switch, but I note those are readily available, so that might go back on.  A new top would smarten it up, but first priority would be a new set of boots and I guess that is £500s worth.  I want a ball hitch and it looks like the tow electrics socket is u/s.......which brings me to the wiring, which is original and pretty much intact, but I understand now a bit questionable.  Anyhow, I am sure a running resto' would work.

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