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Resources for FFR MV - Any ideas??


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I bought the 109 a couple of weeks ago, and am finding it hard to find any resource material with regards radios. (Layouts, component names and numbers etc)


In its hay day, it would have been flanked by a FFR, but as the wife would kill me if I also bought one of those as well, and I dont have the dosh at the mo, I want to fit some coms kit into this one, whilst I shower her with flowers and chocolates until she is convinced that an FFR is also needed.


Anyone got any suggestions, ideas or thoughts?


I have bought a couple of bits already, but mainly cos they look Gucci rather than functional pieces. Although the 'Channel hoping antenna's and bases' are working and I have just ordered the ATU's but am not sure how long they are going to take to arrive.


This is an open question and has no right answer as the 36 Carawagons were all fitted out differently and to what ever was needed at the time. So all suggestions, help would be gratefuly recieved.



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I am afraid the only comms it would have had was a telephone which fed out through your 2 terminals at the rear of the vehicle.



Your vehicle was for a senior commander in the field to sleep & plan, but radios etc would all be somewhere else. So you will have to get a FFR!




So yours is KB were there any others in that sequence that you know of? When I bought mine 16GN06 it was the only released one of the 34 in the GN sequence, there was a prototype with a 'BT' then there was 62GF86 which seemed to be well photographed.


I have already scanned the User Handbook but you may already have this. Any good I could always put it in the files section.

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Your vehicle was for a senior commander in the field to sleep & plan, but radios etc would all be somewhere else. So you will have to get a FFR!


LMAO....I will use that excuse when I tell the wife in the morning that I AM GOING to get a FFR...


I have done much research and so far I can only find one that follows close to 71 KB 52..that being 71 KB 50. This was a completely different interior and when first released did not have the wardrobe, did not have the desk, had a longer bed and wall to wall wardrobe down the off side wall.


With regards radios, I gather that 95 KA 67 was fitted with some coms. Whilst not up to a FFR standard it was fitted. Most though, as you said were only fitted with 2 phone points.


The user handbook would be great. It is the only thing that I am short off.

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