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Blitz TV programe


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Did anyone else catch the TV prog on the Blitz, 'tother night.

In the main, very well done, EXCEPT,...............why,oh why, did none of the directors/historians involved, pick up on the fact that vehicles should have had lights reduced by blackout masks,that torches were not waved about, and even they would have been screened.

Also, a left hand drive taxi ???


Sounds like I'm nit-picking, but how many TVprog's/Films, have been shown, containing these faults, that,could and should, have been resolved before screening.

(and I'm not even thinking of the so called 'action', drama's etc.



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Nice one Andy.


It was a cracking programme and I was glued to the set! It always does make me wonder why TV producers just don't get it, they spend hundreds of thousand on these productions and thousands of hours in the making but just can't make a ten minute phone call to check a few facts that make the difference. I did some work for the beeb on several woodland/rural productions and no matter how many times you explained that the researcher had got their facts wrong, they would still write it how they wanted, it fitted the 'story' better.


It was with interest that I read that the BBC spent £58,000,000 on the production of this Roman series that is soon to screened on the BBC.............now call me old fashioned, but why the hell aren't they putting this morning into producing a series based on the BRITISH during WW2 :twisted:

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QUOTE...It was with interest that I read that the BBC spent £58,000,000 on the production of this Roman series that is soon to screened on the BBC.............


And I bet there will still be chariots with electric wipers and indicators and right hand drive :lol: :lol:




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If anyone has seen the film "Sweet Liberty", starring Alan Alda and Michael Caine, it sums up the film makers attitude to history. The film is about the making of a film about the war of independance, and the director explains to the annoyed historian, that kids at the movies only want to see three things in a movie...


1) Defy Authority

2) Destroy Property

3) Get peoples clothes off


Unfortunately, in films and TV drama, it seems that historical facts and details get in the way of a good story. The same was true in the 1989 film, "Memphis Belle". 8th Air Force historian, Roger Freeman, told the film makers that Spitfires, not P-51's should be used for escort fighters in the film. The P-51 didn't enter service until 9 months after the Memphis Belle story, but the film makers said using Spitfires would confuse the audience as they would associate the Spitfire with the Battle of Britain!


It would appear from facts like that, that they don't give the audience any credit for intelligence.



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Hi Steve,


Good point about the Memphis Belle,the only Memphis Belle worth watching is the original filmed in 1943 and even some of that was faked for the camera.if the makers of the 1989 film had NOT called it Memphis Belle but had aimed to just portray an Eighth AF crew it would have gone down slightly better.


I must admit I don't watch war films much!



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Tend to agree with you, Matt,...the typical 'war film', screened on the box,I guess, having not been 'under fire', bears little comparrison to the real thing; - and no, I know in a film, there are limitations etc;

Getting the facts correct, esp, for the '39-45, period, should not be one of them.

(If it was an american production,for an american audience, I could, (just) understand, as the general viewers would,(maybe), not have noticed, esp, as they did not have the (real) need to black-out.)


Jack, Like you, I do wonder at the amount of money spent 'putting down', the british people, like the myth that the romans brought civilisation to these isles:.........................what a load of Bu**%h^t. (my opinion)

Its like nature prog's, I'm pretty fed up with wildlife on the african plains, and monkeys in the jungle,-for pete's sake, once you've seen a lion kill a wilderbeast, you've seen it. - but, how many programe do you see, on english wildlife and flora 'n' forna ?

In relation, not much.

Like you, I was involved quite heavily in encouraging a greater awareness and understanding in our fantastic countryside, and woodland crafts, in particular;.......why could, even a small preportion of moneys spent on stuff, away from these shores, not be spent on 'entertaining, and informing, those, who may benefit, and take that new found knowledge, out with then and understand that they are looking at, and how it 'fits', into history.


PHEW,...........................Rant over !! :lol:


No offence meant to any americans, lions or monkeys who log in.



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Hi Andy,


I agree that for some reason our own history is ignored by film makers etc,and when they do look at history as a subject they usually try to re write it!


I agree too on what you said about the wildlife films but the truth is the program makers like drama and watching lions etc rip wilderbeast apart is what they think sells,I assure you the minute badgers start eating people the woods will be crawling with idiot film makers.


(no offence to any idiot film makers who read this)



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I once said to an Exe Producer at the BBC that we know more about the plains of Africa and the North Pole then we do about our own countryside, he looked at me across the table in deep thought and then said 'but the British countryside is boring'.........nuff said :twisted:

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Jack, I reckon the reason, the idea of shooting these wildlife/gardening/lifestyle prog's, abroad, is simple.


The producers get a free holiday, - well, if BBC, its paid for by us !


Funny, I've been told that,when asked ' how longs this going to take ?,- in bored tones, whilse charcoal burning;...............when told, ' can we speed it up,- off camara ?,..............the worrying thing about this conversation, was the person asking, host's a countryside programe, and wasn't prepared/couldn't understand why I was sugesting he was going to need to come back next day.

The programe, was all about, woodland industry.


Good point, Matt.


Sorry wildebeast,................is that ok, whistlinwolf ?? :)



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Oddball, yes, the idea of baking me c*ds off, in some foreign clime, gives me as much enjoyment, as spending the day locked in a room with myself, after eating Baked Beans;................. :? :shock: :roll:



:lol: :lol: :lol:




(who loves the sound off water dripping off tree's....................)

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Jack, I reckon the reason, the idea of shooting these wildlife/gardening/lifestyle prog's, abroad, is simple.


The producers get a free holiday, - well, if BBC, its paid for by us !


Funny, I've been told that,when asked ' how longs this going to take ?,- in bored tones, whilse charcoal burning;...............when told, ' can we speed it up,- off camara ?,..............the worrying thing about this conversation, was the person asking, host's a countryside programe, and wasn't prepared/couldn't understand why I was sugesting he was going to need to come back next day.

The programe, was all about, woodland industry.


Good point, Matt.


Sorry wildebeast,................is that ok, whistlinwolf ?? :)





Andy, that sounds interesting, what was the programme?

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(who loves the sound off water dripping off tree's....................)



And the smell of wet earth on the woodland floor as you wait for the young badgers ,just before first light with the birds going at it at max volume.


I reckon this is a thing we need to keep under our hats. :)



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Well, to give you a clue, Jack, and as I said, it was a while ago now, it goes out on a sunday morning. (silly time),..................oh, and its on BBC1, unless sport/hamsters f65t8ing type events are on, then normally moves to BBC2.





To my mind, Whistlinwolf, the best time of the day. And yes, the less people about, the better it is........... :D



Oddball, so you've seen those shots of beaches in, spain/portugal/south of france/blackpool (on a hot day).

Wall to wall, frying sardines;....Euck !


(no sardines were hurt, whilst the posting of this comment.)



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