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Another Question WC63 Data Plate Info


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I purchased a set of Data Plates from Horn in Poland, and he will mark them for me, if I send him the info....


Now my Question......


Looking at my original serial # plate. Everything is filled in except the Date Delivery space.


Is your WC63 Date of Delivery filled in or empty? If it is filled in is it July 1943 or July 43 or what?


Thanks......Once Again.......

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You have answered your own question there - if the DOD is blank on the original, leave the replacement blank.


That was far enough into WW2 for them to be using twin and multiple unit packs, where trucks were built, knocked down again, and crated for assembly overseas. If there is no DOD on your plate this is what happened to yours - even if it never left the US - or did you re-import it?


The other possibility, which really only applies to other truck types, is that the truck was supplied as a chassis cab to a specialist body manufacturer, where they would have the DOD stamped on their plate - doesn't really apply to a WC62 / 63 as they only came as the plain truck with or without winch.



Edited by Gordon_M
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