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Where does the radio go?

Dotty Dodge

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Hi All


I was wondering if you could help me?

I want to put a radio on my 1942 dodge wc51. which im going to buy a SCR 694 but where does it go?

I have seen many dodges with the radios on the back seat behind the driver! which then means you are not able to get to the under seat storage without cutting the bench seat? :shock:

The previous owner had a post war GCR9 attached to the flat part of the body next to the passenger seat. Where they normally put a fuel can in its holder.

Would this be a correct place to put a radio on its mount? Or did the flat piece use to be a lid for access to the storage as i think someone was trying to explain to me?


Best Regards



Dotty Dodge

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Rowan unfortunatley that is the correct place which did involve cutting the seats.....thats why they give you four adjudstment spacings for the seats on the troop body.


If you wanted to keep the seats original and intact then mount it centrally off of the front bulkhead on an FT-250 mount with support legs to the floor and then the set could be used by either driver or co- driver......


To be honest "official" mounting places tended to go out of the window a day after June 6th 1944 and convenience took over..... :lol:





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Hi Lloyd


Thanks for the info!

Im not going to start cutting up my seats so i will probably do what you said and look in to purchasing on of those FT-250 mounts. Are they Standard to fit all American radios?

But as you said if after D-Day they started putting radios any where that is convinent i could put it back in the place the previous owner had one!


I will see if i can get a mount!


Thanks again





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