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Best MV expedition camper body kit?



Morning all!

Another "throwing it out there" question for your eager minds to chomp on. Hopefully I'm posting these in the right place... well I'm a first time MV owner so pretty much everything I ask at this point could arguably be considered a stupid question!


Anyway, as some of you will already have read, I've just acquired a Leyland DAF 45.150/4 which I intend to convert as an expedition camper. I'm currently digesting as much info as my 'ickle brain can handle and trying to plan the loose details of the conversion. The main priority after testing & registration is figuring out what to make the body from; so I'm getting a headstart on my research & looking closely at all the other LD conversions that have gone before.


I realise I have several options here, from pre-made / used bodies, a fresh GRP or metal build, mobile command units & certain types of portable cabin. The question is, which is going to make the easiest, most economical and nicest conversion.


I'm looking to hear from those of you who've built campers before. What body solution did you go for and why? How much did the empty body cost to build and / or convert / outfit? (not to pry too personally) How well does it do it's job and what would you have done differently in hindsight or with a bigger budget?


Photos of (or links to) your builds would be very much appreciated, be they of the finished article or reference snaps taken during construction. If you don't want to post them here maybe you'd consider e-mailing them to me privately via the link on my profile.


Thank you all in advance & sorry for waffling on a bit!


Edited by Savarus
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We have just finished a Unimog conversion.

We used 12mm marine ply excepting rear panel that was 18mm. The roof was then fibreglassed for access and weather proofing.

Painted with colour matched (to truck) B & Q emulsion.

We bought a caravan and stripped all the insides so essentially the whole lot was made to measure.

All low energy lighting with solar charger which can also top up the vehicle batteries.

Un lined except for roof.The body is quite warm with no heating system.

Total cost of body about £2500 .

I will try to post pics when suitably qualified youngster around!

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Thanks guys!


The Big Orange Bedford was actually the first truck I happened across. Great for reference as it's a similar size to the DAF & a good representation of what I'm looking to build.


I'd be very keen to see photos of the marine ply Mog. It's an option that hadn't really occurred to me. Was the body constructed on top of an existing platform / demountable or direct onto custom chassis mountings? How did you get around the cross axle twist issue? Only I gather it's quite prevalent in the Unimogs & I'd imagine quite destructive to a wood build (?)


Cannibalising a caravan for parts is something I'm seriously considering. Not so much for the furniture as the fixtures & fittings, windows, doors, appliances, electrics, gas, upholstery, etc. Incidentally, what did you do with the remnants of the caravan when you were done stripping it? I'm thinking the chassis would make a useful trailer that could be sold on & potentially cover a good part of the cost of the caravan.


Thanks again & keep your ideas coming!


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The body is a complete box resting on treated roof battens so that any water can run away and not be trapped. It is bolted down onto the edge of the flat bed through pre existing holes.It was suitably treated before installation but was built in situ so it is not de-mountable but it is removable.

I had not considered axle twist as we are not intending to 'off road' any more vigorously than conditions encountered at Beltring.

All of the panel joints were bridged between thinner ply and glued and screwed.There is a 2 x 2 inch skeleton within the body running down each of the four corners and around each end.

When the roof was fibre glassed the side joints (2 each side) were reinforced.

So far we have done about 600 miles over some very bumpy roads with no obvious ill effects.

The caravan was badly water damaged and literally fell apart as soon as we attacked it.This greatly simplified the work as they are made from the inside out so it was a lot easier to get at what we wanted.All of the kitchen units were salvaged also overhead cupboards (but cut to fit a flat rather than curved ceiling), we also used the bed/table/seats and only used bathroom bits from another van as they suited the space better.We also used several windows and the door.

The remainder was stripped of useful pipework and wiring and also the legs and wheels.

The chassis was in fact cracked so it and the aluminium skin were weighed in as a bonus for the builder.

The only decent bit of wood was the floor and this now covers a wood pile!

Obviously it is not as strong as a metal box but it is reasonably light and ,most importantly, it is nice to be in.

I do appreciate that it is not 'military' but several people have asked if it was a radio body and it is similar.Ultimately, we have compromised on this aspect but it makes the exercise worth doing. We did not want to live in a claustrophobic box and felt that it would have been equally expensive to obtain and convert a comms body.l


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Best camper bodies.......probably these http://www.unicat.net/en/

Most economical is to probably buy one already done, for a fraction of the cost of doing yourself. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/4wd-for-sale-wanted/ultimate-offroad-camper-ural-375d-63769


Doing it yourself is almost always more expensive and very time consuming.

However it is fun.

Have you looked at Gaz66 bodies, fully insulated for Siberian winters, very robust and probably not that expensive if you import one, might even come with a heater already fitted.


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Hey all! Sorry it's been a while since I posted back to you. Lots happening at the moment!


Thanks Martin for the pics & spec. A lovely truck you've got there & very cosy looking. Only the caravan-shaped windows give it away as a home-build, otherwise I would've guessed maybe a military field office or cabin conversion. It certainly doesn't look like it's made of ply! Nice one and I hope it serves you a long time!


Thanks to Gritineye & Redneck for the links. Loads of inspiration there... especially that last one to the ebay item. Now THAT looks like something I might be interested in! Will be hopping on over there next to pay it some serious scrutiny! Oh, and yes, I did have a look at the Gaz66. Very nearly would've bought one (a whole truck, not just the body) were it not for the international parts market being a bit of an unknown quantity. Worth a second look at the bodies though so I'll keep it in mind.


And of course, thanks to M109, who has a vested interest of her own & who I look forward to comparing project notes with over the coming months. Spotted you on http://WWW.TheOverlander.org by the way! Great site that & very useful for anyone with a similar project in mind. How is yours coming on by the way?


Truck is arriving this Tuesday, so I'm dead excited at the moment! Now to find some proper storage for it that's not the corner of a fam yard!

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Her is a him thats the wife having a drive in the photos.


Hahaaaa! Ooops!

And low, did the heavens shake when down to earth came crashing the mighty power of assumption!


So sorry Tony. I DID know that. Not sure why my brain chose to think it was you in the photo just then!


Note to self: Knock twice on head to activate brain before use!

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