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1985 Pattern Trousers - HUGE!


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To complement the recent post on a pair of size 9 1968 pattern strides - here is an example of a pair of the much maligned 1985 pattern trousers in an equivalent size 9. Next step up is special order!


As I have commented previously, 1985 pattern gear - both smocks and trousers - are not particularly uncommon in smaller sizes however the larger sizes (180/190 and 112/120 smocks; 85/92/104+ trousers) I see very few examples. Not sure why this is...:???





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The reason that LARGE sizes of Military clothing is scarce is simple.

Our Armed Forces are WELL trained, & Fitness is a VERY Big part of Service life. For Health & Combat readiness.


To that end, If you do PT / Road runs approx three times a week. You will have 'Leaner' & fit Personell, ready for any given situation.

Lots of physical excercise = Healthy & fit trim Bodies.

It is not until you get to Warrant Officer level in the mess. That you can pretty much do what you like, & choose to do PT or not. The More Professional Warrant Officers will lead from the front & run with the guys as an Example.


But a LOT dont, & to that end, the old waistline expands a bit & that is why 'Special Order' is also rare.

If you cant pass your BFT & CFT Runs each six months. then as far as the MOD is concerned. Your not fit for role & can end up discharged these days!


The exception to the rules always can be found though. If a Person is for example an outstnding Bugler or something Exemplary doing whatever they can do. & it brings credit on the Regiment. Then the CO can decree how he will be 'Passed' on paper for the benifit of a good result for that particular regiment.


This is Rare, but it DOES happen!..........

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The reason that LARGE sizes of Military clothing is scarce is simple.

Our Armed Forces are WELL trained, & Fitness is a VERY Big part of Service life. For Health & Combat readiness.


To that end, If you do PT / Road runs approx three times a week. You will have 'Leaner' & fit Personell, ready for any given situation.

Lots of physical excercise = Healthy & fit trim Bodies.

It is not until you get to Warrant Officer level in the mess. That you can pretty much do what you like, & choose to do PT or not. The More Professional Warrant Officers will lead from the front & run with the guys as an Example.


But a LOT dont, & to that end, the old waistline expands a bit & that is why 'Special Order' is also rare.

If you cant pass your BFT & CFT Runs each six months. then as far as the MOD is concerned. Your not fit for role & can end up discharged these days!


The exception to the rules always can be found though. If a Person is for example an outstnding Bugler or something Exemplary doing whatever they can do. & it brings credit on the Regiment. Then the CO can decree how he will be 'Passed' on paper for the benifit of a good result for that particular regiment.


This is Rare, but it DOES happen!..........


Understand and agree! However we often see large sizes available in almost every other pattern modern and 1960's - even 1950's issue gear - but rarely in 85 pattern so unless PT was tougher in the 80's there must be another contributory reason...

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I've personally not noticed a scarcity of the larger-size 84 pattern smocks and trousers.....this combat suit remained in use from 84 through to the mid-1990's, with production stopping around 93-94 and was extensively issued in a similar manner to the earlier 68 versions......


One possible theory for the lack of larger sizes may be that the 84 pattern garments were a far better fit than the earlier 68 pattern, therefore the larger sizes were more extensively issued and used.....because the 68 pattern was so voluminous, especially the size 7, 8 and 9 trousers in an incredibly long leg length, few troops ever wore the actual sizes that the book specified for 'em.....in my own case, I should have had a size 7 suit but settled for a size 4 in an effort to look half-way respectable !

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