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Hello to everyone!.......found this site yesterday and am now hooked!

A bit of background.. in love with military vehicles, particularly WW2 era and absolutely with Sherman tanks since old enough to be allowed a drive of a 80" Landrover at about 9 years old too long ago to recall...!.......I like anything with tracks to be honest but am seriously hooked on Shermans ever since buying one of the first 'After the Battle' mags way back in the mid 70s with a picture of a Sherman still on the side of the road in the Ardenne........Have travelled all over Europe since positively drooling especially in Normandy in 2004 when I had the great pleasure of escorting my old Dad for the anniverary..(he's an ex Royal Engineer...made corporal ...twice so he tells me)

I don't own a military vehicle myself, all I can boast is a 1958 Series 2 SWB LandRover that I have just restored from a sad old wreck found out the back of a local industrial estate.......She's the latest in a very long line of Landrovers (some ex military) that I've owned/restored/rebuilt over the years......I did once get very close to buying a Ward La France wrecker that had lain in a field near here for many many years ...the fella wanted 250 quid for her (it was way back around 1983 by the way!) and she still ran (with a bit of fettling)....my then wife put a firm stop to the idea though..note that I say....my 'then' wife.......live and learn hey?hahah!...

these days I'm a professional musican (at last!) but spent the previous 35-ish years since school in the demolition/dismantling and occasionally construction games.. can drive most kinds of earth moving plant you care to sit me in, can weld/strip/ re-assemble /fit just about anything (given tea and fags in copious quantities) and am well versed in the dark art of keeping a string of lorries runing for many years in the face of adversity / the DoT / and the police! ...so.....I know where your all coming from in a sense!

Anyways!..Looking forward to meeting up with some of you with your pride and joys! (Tanks/trucks/jeeps etc.... not wives by the way)

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