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Importing some military stuff to UK


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Hi Guys,


I want to import two used night vision systems from Leopard I and Marder -panzer (80's stuff), four SEM-military radio-packages (+lots of gear, also from the 80's) and one deactivated MP5. Is there a reason to be worried of importing them to UK - I've owned them for many years and would like to keep them. I suppose the MP5 is no problem - it was actually deactivated in England (have a certificate to prove), but I will have to put it somewhere in my car (maybe good idea to mention that at the passport control).


Is this sort of military gear considered still "active" or collector stuff? Are there any import restrictions? I wouldn't want to do anything illegal... Everything is currently stored in Germany.



Edited by C.P.
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The Deac is no problem as it has a UK Deac Cert.


The radios are collectors items & IF, your own property shouldnt be a prob.

However, Im not sure on this as any Military Gear 'Technically', is classfied as 'Warlike Stores'.


But, you as a COLLECTOR, are in a different catergory.

I would get clarrification from HM Customs on the Phone prior to importation first, just to be on the safe side.

It's a grey area really, If stuff is in bulk & from a Military Procurement Firm. Obviosuly it's Military Stores.

SMALL quantity stuff could be easily classfied in the Collectors area. You MAY have to prove this with recipets Etc?.


I would get some sort of letter myslef, if poss from Customs.

Sorry I cant be more specific, But If you err on the side of doing as much as is REASONABLY possibel. It shows that your INTENTION is Honest & open. That DOES help a lot!

If you talk to them & say that you want clarrification & are trying to do the right thing.

They will see you are attempting to cooperate & do thinsg properly. And SHOULD respond in kind. Got to worth a phone call, yes?...............:angel:

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Many thanks, that was good info and straight-forward opinion - I appreciate it!


Took some time to find the right form from the HM Customs & Excise website, but I managed to fill a form (didn't even break the 2000 character limit :-D) and send it to them. There is an option to get an answer in writing, which I did.


I will write the result here in the forum as soon as I receive a reply from them, I'm sure many other people are importing similar toys to UK and this might be interesting.


Thanks again!

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No Problem C.P. Lets hope you get a result!


Yes, posting the outcome on here would be a good thing to do.

As you say, it could also possibly assist other members with a similar potential predicament!


Form Number Etc would be usefull, & a brief expalaination as to what you had to do.

To execute the whole procedure.


Good Luck, & I look forward to reading the outcome of a successful conclusion! ;)

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Best of luck. In importing to the UK, your doing the right thing by asking first.


I wanted to export a firearm from the UK to Australia almost two years ago. I am still waiting and the only reason that it will still go ahead is that I tried to do it through the right channels when we were over there in 2009.


I had applied through the SPIRE system for the export permit, but because I was not a UK resident, they would not issue the export permit.


The fact that I had brought it into the UK without an import permit saw me in real trouble with the law. The saving grace was that I had applied for the SPIRE permit which showed that I was at least being honest and not a criminal.


The moral to this story is "Ignorance is no excuse". I should have declared it at the border as I came through Customs.


I'm really glad that I at least tried through SPIRE to export it.


It will arrive in Australia shortly as the export permit has now been issued and it will be on it's way soon.


Regards Rick

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Good luck, Rick!


I received a prompt answer from HM Customs & Excise and they pointed me to ask from Department for Business Innovation and Skills: http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/trade-policy-unit/importing-into-uk/import-licensing-branch


Therefore, I have posted my question to them at mailto:enquiries.ilb@bis.gsi.gov.uk


I'm all the time learning more, didn't know such department even existed! :D


Regarding the German side there seems to be no problem exporting the items. I'm not sure about France but I can ask - although I'm unable to speak, read, write or understand French it might be difficult to get an aswer. Anyway, I can always listen and say "Oui".


I'll keep you guys up-to-date, many thanks for comments!

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