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Original kit bag art?


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I'm sure film/cartoon bods could date it fairly closely assuming the person who drew it copied it fairly faithfully -perhaps from a comic book -my immeditate reaction to it is that it has two eyes -from my memory of Popeye in the late 50s early 60s is that the right eye was a slit -but that's a recollection from about 50years ago.



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Before it was decided to save the whale, squaddies got a suitcase (it had whale-skin "leather" corner reinforcements and got removed from the 1157). Most of those of us of a certain age who served got one issued and it wasn't handed back in during final kit return. Mine is upstairs in the wardrobe essentially unmoved since 1989. ISTR it is marked ADAMSON 850. This was typical. We had a character called Florry. He had done the best part of 20 years and was a Trooper already (he had made Lance-Jack on a number of occasions, usually sympathetically by a new squadron leader, only to get busted because, nice bloke that he was, he had reached the level of his incompetence at Trooper.


I can still see how Florry had sat with his suitcase on his lap (picture it for yourself) and written his name and last three in soldier pen as did I (later - learning from Florry's mistake. Wait for it ...).


Then when he picked up his suitcase by the handle, it read 118 ENITNEROLF.


If you cannot see what happened, close your laptop, stick a sticker on it and open it back up. You'll find yourself naturally just closing the lid and doing it. then when you open the lid, you'll see that everyone else is now reading it upside down.

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I'm sure film/cartoon bods could date it fairly closely assuming the person who drew it copied it fairly faithfully -perhaps from a comic book -my immeditate reaction to it is that it has two eyes -from my memory of Popeye in the late 50s early 60s is that the right eye was a slit -but that's a recollection from about 50years ago.






Hah. N.O.S. has just photoshopped a picture of himself on there :coffee:

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