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Scammell recovery at W


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Reply to Paulob sorry if this turns out to be a long reply.

First the recovery calculater is some thing i have never heard of and i would like more info or perhaps some more pics of it.

Bit of history when the flegling recovery operaters assosations were try to change the recovery mans image from cowboy to that of proffesional (make your own mind up how well they have done?). It was decided that training was the order of the day. It was looked in to and some of the founders approached the army who had done RD into recovery. One of the things they came away with was a complicated list of calculations that covered all situations.

Over the years our assosiations have simplyfied these to cover i would say 90% of what any one is likley to come across. Now to work for contracts for police forces and lots of other goverment departments you have to have certificates in training and one of requirments is you have a working knowledge. Sounds all very complicated truth exact opposite. We carry all the info on a little card not much bigger than a credit card. Can be all worked out with wet finger on side of dirty truck.


WT=Weight of casualty


Winch Power Required =

Rolling Resistance+

Damage Resistance+

Gradient Resistance


Rolling Resistance=

Smooth Road WT divided by 25

Grass/Gravel WT divided by 7

Beach Shingle WT divided by 3

Sand WT divided by 6

Mud WT divided by 3

Soft Clay WT divided by 2

Bogged to axle WT times 1

Bogged to wheel top WT times 2

Bogged to Rad top WT times 3


Damage Resistance=WT times damaged wheels/tracks divided by total no wheels tracks


Gradient Resistance (simplyified)

10 to 30 degrees WT divided by 3

30 to 45 degrees Wt divided by 2

Above 45 degrees total WT


All above require winch force to be applied parallel to gradient


As i had pionted out to me these figures probally wont get you the best seats at the match but sure stop you arriving at the wrong stadium.


They oftence throw up some suprising results. Plus if you work them on a vehicle being used to do a recovery You can calculate how much (or suprising how little) you can winch


I am also willing to piont out a couple of other pit falls i it helps anyone


Well this is the most helpfull post in a long time:-) and clearly illustrates how the forces required can vary in different situations. ill be making a hard copy of it. Many thanks. As i said before i had no idea there was damage calculation to take into consideration:bow:

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