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saracen arrived...


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worked out with the help of another member the gears and after sorting the batteries will get her engine serviced and start collating what is missing needed and broken, looks good though...need to get her registered, need some army info...

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will be wanting some pics posted, Mr Paul...... I just thought, I'm going to be in Longmoor, near Petersfield over the weekend, and should have a bit of 'free-time' possibly Saturday evening, and defineatly Sunday afternoon, I may just be able to whizz up the road a bit further to your place in Guildford.... to give you a little bit of driving instruction on your new toy.... for a little while.... Can you PM me your yards' address and postcode, in case my chap passes on his way back down from Rugby?

there may be a possibility we'll be getting the tyres/wheels before then though, gotta speak to my wagon-bloke again tomorrow lunchtime.



Mucho grassias



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I off course i know longmoor very well. Any advice most welcome...need to get mine registered asap...want to use mine for prom nights etc first need to get the vehicles history and age...then get her registered for road use...

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will do, will take some tomorrow once i have the camera handy...got new periscopes for her, she will be ready for the road very soon...got to get history from the army then go get her registered.


Looking forward to it.



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