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Air Cadet 70s/80s Uniform

Guest Yin717

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Guest Yin717

My Dad. amazingly, still has his old air cadet uniform from like the 70s or 80s, not sure when. If he ever did hand it down to me I was wondering how much it would be worth. I mean I wouldn't sell it, I think it's amazing, but my Dad might. It is still in it's original like plastic covering and is in like perfect condition and I was just wondering how much something like that would cost.

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Is it Battle dress or the later type which is almost the same as the modern RAF uniform. The uniform still belongs to the crown as cadets dont buy there own uniform it is like the regs issued and when time expired to be returned to stores. Old cadet uniform is not worth much , but the ATC silver chrome butons are hard to find .

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Guest Yin717

I just received a big bummer from my Dad. It was my Grandad's old officers trenchcoat from when he was in the RAF like in the 60s/70s. Probably used in Norway. Still in impressive condition though. Though my Dad says although it cost alot to make it's probably not worth as half as much.

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The air cadet unfirom hasn't changed very much since the 1970s. I joined in 1989 and since that time, the jumper has changed twice, from V neck to horrible fluffy round neck, and back to V neck (!) and the shirts have become slightly darker than they used to be, I believe they are the same as issued to the RN.

VR(T) Officers used to be issued the iconic Trenchcoat, (which I think looked especially solemn on remembrance parades etc.) to the crap looking General Service Jacket, which is more or less good for nothing!

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The air cadet unfirom hasn't changed very much since the 1970s. I joined in 1989 and since that time, the jumper has changed twice, from V neck to horrible fluffy round neck, and back to V neck (!) and the shirts have become slightly darker than they used to be, I believe they are the same as issued to the RN.

VR(T) Officers used to be issued the iconic Trenchcoat, (which I think looked especially solemn on remembrance parades etc.) to the crap looking General Service Jacket, which is more or less good for nothing!


GP jackets seem fine to me, I've been wearing one for nigh-on 3 years now. Current sqn night working blues dress for a cadet is round neck fluffy wool jumper in blue, new light weight-ish trousers in blue and a very dark blue shirt different to RN shirts.


FLT SGT. L Milner 2340 (Blandford Forum) SQN ATC 2004-Present

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  • 1 year later...

I joined as a cadet in '67 (ish), we were issued with the battle dress blouseon and hairy trousers, shirts with detacheable studded collars that needed starching, (Robin brand starch as I recall) and the fantastic Great coat and beret.

The uniforms were genuine RAF complete with albatross flash's on the shoulders, which my Mum had to sit and un-pick before sowing the AIR TRAING CORPS curved flash's on.

We supplied our own boots, mine were genuine ex-army un-issued leather soled with full heel and toe blakes, my biggest mistake was putting studs in the soles, it was like walking on marbles!

We were issued with gaiters and webbing belts for wearing at Wing Parades, Church etc, all cleaned with white Blanco, what bloody mess when it rained!!!

If you joined the band you got tassles and Lanyards to wear as well.

All our stock came from the stores at RAF Debdon, I went a couple of times to help bring stuff back, quite an eye opener, I never ran short of socks!

I still have some bits, my certificates, log book etc, I went back years later as a Civilian instructor and collected yet more certificates from various courses and helped out in several Squadrons, and helped out at the Gliding School driving the yellow S2 lightweights on recovery duties.

Ahhhhh, the memories come flooding back, I had a great time, and I would do it all again given the chance.



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I joined as a cadet in '67 (ish), we were issued with the battle dress blouseon and hairy trousers, shirts with detacheable studded collars that needed starching, (Robin brand starch as I recall) and the fantastic Great coat and beret.

The uniforms were genuine RAF complete with albatross flash's on the shoulders, which my Mum had to sit and un-pick before sowing the AIR TRAING CORPS curved flash's on.

We supplied our own boots, mine were genuine ex-army un-issued leather soled with full heel and toe blakes, my biggest mistake was putting studs in the soles, it was like walking on marbles!

We were issued with gaiters and webbing belts for wearing at Wing Parades, Church etc, all cleaned with white Blanco, what bloody mess when it rained!!!

If you joined the band you got tassles and Lanyards to wear as well.

All our stock came from the stores at RAF Debdon, I went a couple of times to help bring stuff back, quite an eye opener, I never ran short of socks!

I still have some bits, my certificates, log book etc, I went back years later as a Civilian instructor and collected yet more certificates from various courses and helped out in several Squadrons, and helped out at the Gliding School driving the yellow S2 lightweights on recovery duties.

Ahhhhh, the memories come flooding back, I had a great time, and I would do it all again given the chance.




What Squadron did you start with Terry??? I always wanted to join the RAF so started off in 2048 (Dagenham) Squadron, West Essex Wing way back in the mid to late Sixties.


After I hit the upper age limit the old man talked me into joining the TA as my school grades were not high enough for an RAF apprenticeship - the rest, as they say, is history!!

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2187 SQUADRON, East Essex Wing, Canvey Island.

RAF Debdon was our Wing H.Q. home of 617 (?) Gliding School and then RAF Police Dog Traing School.

I was a Civilian instructor at 1312 Southend, Woodham Ferrers and Leigh in later years so I gave something back.

As an adult we had some good times in the Sargents mess too!

Unfortunately the 'politics' got in the way of the cause, the adults act worse than the kids!!!

In '68 the Battle of Britain film was partially shot at Debden, we had all the Hurri's, Spits, Hienkel 111's (Casa 111)* and Messerschmitt 109's (Casa)* lined up for our parade, also that year we appeared in the Royal Tournement, I performed a drum solo, never been so scared in my life!!!

Some of older ones got took on as extra's, I was one, I got shot up by a 109 twice!

Met some of the great actors too, including Kenneth Moore!

The ATC gave me a lot, I learnt a lot, and will never forget the times I had.


*these were Ex-Spannish Civil aircraft, with ironically, Rolls Royce Merlin engines, in some of the shots in the film you can still see the roundels under the camouflage and crosses.

This film was responcible for getting so many of the Spits back in the air, gate guardians and stored aircraft brought back to life for the film, many still fly today.

My dad and I were 'custodian' to the 111 that ended up at Southend Museum (joke!) until it closed and was bought by Raymond Someoneorother, the strip king, it ended up in one of his strip joints, and now in the U.S. and is being re-built to flying condition.

The film makes me feel old, Micheal Caine (real name Maurice Micklewhite) was an up-and-coming actor, and Ian McShane (Lovejoy) was hardly known.

Edited by 83KB62
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Was with 8(F) in early to mid 80's in Coventry. Great days in particular the summer camps - managed to get one week in Gib which was great in the mid'80's still a big miltary presence back then.


Seem to remember the uniform was pretty much the same as the RAF uniform of the time.


I also remember being the quickest at stripping a Bren - wouldnt have a clue now though...!

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Ahh fond memories, 122 (Glasgow) Sqn ATC 1971-74 before becoming a Para. everything 83KB62 says about uniform reminds me of pressing BD to a razor crease, bulling ammo boots, wearing greatcoat and also the yellow lanyard as a staff cadet. great days, great times and brilliant summer camps. character building sadly missing in many organisations today, thanks to litigation fear and risk assessment overkill lol.



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  • 1 year later...

Joined the ATC (1244) in 1977.........hairy BD was the norm, with light-blue shirt although some bods were issued with the older blue-flecked variety although with attached collar.........


Others in the squadron began to be issued with the ribbed round-neck pully and the dark-blue RAF working-dress shirt that didn't need to be worn with a tie.......


Trousers continued to be the BD type although the smoother RAF No.2 dress polyester trousers began to be issued to some guys......


Berets were the 1960s/70s RAF issue with the PVC headband......always 2nd-hand, as was most kit....very few ever received anything that hadn't previously been issued......


Greatcoats were the outerwear......although the blue nylon MK2A "Jeltek" waterproof jacket began to be issued to some....


ATC insignia was a combination of old 1960s issue on RAF blue-grey although again, the later type on dark-blue began to appear on issue....


By the early 1980s, BD was a rarity, as were light-blue shirts (always worn with a tie), and most guys by then had the polyester trousers and "Jelteks".......if you still had the older kit you could still wear it....


RAF stable-belts could be worn if purchased.....


ATC Flight Sergeants and WOs could wear a peaked cap......these were generally very 2nd-hand and of the 1960s pattern in serge or blue-grey with the square "duck-bill" visor........


By 1983, when I revisited my old squadron, they were clearing out loads of NEW (!!!) greatcoats and RAF BD from the stores.......we never saw it issued during my time, and always had to put up with 2nd-hand issues.....guess stores were for storing....:-\


Happy times ! :D

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Interesting thread :)

I joined 614 Squadron based in Lydney Forest of Dean Gloucestershire around 1973 ish???.

.....I wasn't allowed a uniform for a while as I was under age...I think you had to be 13 to get a uniform in those days ?..anyways...when I finally got one it was as a few have said it consisted of...

....an incredibly itchy pair of trousers and a battledress tunic .....a cotton shirt complete with 2 cardboard stiff collars , a black tie and a beret and a beautiful thick great coat . Everything except the great coat was very secondhand ..

Mum altered the trousers cos I don't know what shape boys were back in the days the trousers were made .... although they were only something like a 26" waist you would have needed a backside the size of a rhino to fill them and legs as long as a giraffe too..:)

....Mum bought me some full hobnail black leather boots from a local store that dealt in a lot of ex-army clobber and...as someone said above , they were lethal to walk in never mind run anywhere...

We went on Gliding trips to RAF Locking down by Weston Super Mare (actually on the other side of the road from the main base at a grass strip with very rudimentary facilities)...Flying in those days was done at RAF Little Rissington or RAF Kemble (now all sadly long closed down) usually in Chipmunks but sometimes a more modern aircraft where you sat side by side with the pilot ...was it a Bulldog? maybe?... and summer camps and more flying was at various places but I do remember having a week or so at RAF St Mawgan in Cornwall where we also did a lot of shooting.... I always enjoyed shooting, usually on the .22 range at Cinderford TA Barracks and occasionally on .303s but I can't recall where we went to use them....I never gained much 'rank' ....I got a few badges to sew on the sleeves of the tunic...one was for shooting and a few others such as 'leading cadet' ? ..I recall having to sit various 'tests' for these but can't remember what we were actually tested for ? airframe recognition I think was one..???...

ON the whole some great times but then I got seriously into music at about 15 and everything else went out the window I'm afraid... :D

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Yep remember that....accompanied by an overwhelming interest in the opposite sex....:D



hahah ....oh yeah that as well :cool2: ....

by Christamighty...if you added up the money I've spent on Music and Women since i was 15, I'd have had enough to own a couple of Shermans , a brace or so of halftracks , at least 4 Jeeps a couple of assorted trucks.....etc etc :-D

.. oooh dear ...best I stop with this line of thought :-)

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