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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Mark


    Yeh the furthest to go out of the lot of ya :whistle:
  2. Nice one. Unread messages sends you back to the front page as well :-D
  3. Yep, praise where praise is due mate, you will get it done I am sure
  4. POST IT, POST IT, POST IT, POST IT :banana: :banana: :banana: :yay: :yay: :banana: :banana: :pfrt: :pfrt: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :pfrt: :pfrt: :adminpwr: :modpwr: :goodidea: :drool: :banana: :banana: :yay: :yay: :kissoncheek:
  5. Mark


    Who is not going to the War and Peace Show, and it being the 25th an all ?
  6. :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked:
  7. Beautiful, I bet there are hundreds of stories in the same vein as this one
  8. A FEW WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!, it starts on the 18th J :dunno:
  9. Hi Jack Have you been in touch with the recovery people yet :dunno:
  10. Neil Its been 3 days now have you got the engine fitted, is it a runner and will it be a War and Peace. :-D
  11. I am Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous :evil: nice one to have in the fold :-D
  12. Many commisearations from myself Jack I hate to see these things happen to small trucks. Being serious glad no-one was hurt in this and I am sure Jerry "the clarke" will have it ready for War and Peace.
  13. Better than them * 2 :naughty:
  14. Well thats it our little team are packed and ready to roll on Friday morning this week for the War and Peace show, the 2 stolly's are being dropped off at 06:00 Friday, then going back to pick up the Reo and genny and set up camp for 2 blinding weeks of green machines (and sand colour). Lee I will see you there as arranged (leave the keys mate :-D) and the rest of you lot I hope to see you as well at some stage. OH!!! before anyone asks I have to go this early as I have a long travel time of oooooooo! 10 minutes :whistle:
  15. OUCH!!!!! Mark, you was damn lucky there mate, are the bits and pieces easy to get hold of or is it a case of keep looking hard?
  16. Thanks Paul, but I was there last Monday and our spot is OK it's down a bit from there, but it is my mate's Barry's spot though :-( This is supposed to be temporary, but I cannot see that.
  17. Jack I done my Reo with some of that oil that HF gave me in Dover, in looks great for a few days then gets dry and covered for that weathered look try it and it's free from HF, (well for me it was for you...well!!!!)
  18. Ok chaps, chapess's and Essex boys :whistle: Andy has emailed back to say the HMVF Photo Shoot is on as arranged for FRIDAY 20th JULY 2007 AT 08:30 SHARP IN THE ARENA Please do turn up for this as times have been arranged for us, and just think if we do overrun, we can hold the tanks up for the show. So lets make this a good one and worthwhile please.
  19. I have just sold a M38A1 engine for £10 on evil bay, but I still have the gearbox and transfer box left, :-D spares are good as above mostly in Dutchland, but if you ask jeeparts they can supply most bits.
  20. I have emailed Andy re:shoot in the morning of Friday 20th July in the arena, hopefully its not too late and he comes back with a good reply. Keep you informed asap. :-D
  21. I do not know if this is still on now due to the lateness of a decision being made back in early May, if members still want this to go ahead I will endevour to contact Andy to see if this time is still OK for us, as I am sure as everyone appreciates a lot is going on at the show this year and time for us is a premium (as I have been told) so we need to make this a well attended photo opputunity.
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