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Everything posted by longydagun

  1. Living in Norfolk i've been to the collection many times. Camped there on a number of occassions too! It used to be a very good event! the 60th anniversary of D-day year was very good infact! I did not attend this year but by the comments that have been made here i am glad that i didn't! The museum has some very good pieces within it but as said if the owner is not willing to promote the events ( and make them affordable for Jo public) then they cannot expect for the museum to succeed! It is a shame as i have very fond memories of the place! Hopefully they will pull their fingers out and sort it out! Cheers Al
  2. In all honesty guys having been to mons 4 times now i cannot for the life of me remember that any of the tanks there ( with steel tracks) did that much damage to the road! The hellcat we take has steels and we didnt turn up any tarmac with it just made a chalk like dust on the road. Many thanks Al
  3. At the moment at least it is but a dream! But if it did happen it would be pretty amazing! As stated the corrosion at this point will be so deep into the steel it will be almost impossible to use them but if you could treat them then maybe you can get around it! Im however a bit dubious on this one! thanks for the support! Alex
  4. So in the theory that they 'could' be recovered where on earth would one start with a restoration project like that? The salt water will have gotten very deep into the steel presumably! Is there a way to treat this? For example putting them in a slightly acidic bath? Or similar? Would make quite an interesting project! Cheers Alex
  5. Yeah they're the ones! Does anyone have any more info on them? Im thinking they're more than likely war graves but then what do i know! cheers
  6. I have recently heard wind of at least 3 Sherman tanks that were sunk along with the wreckage of a ship somewhere off the coast of the UK. These are not at Slapton just to avoid confusion. They appear ( from the images i have seen ) in good condition and potentially salvagable! My question is who would i need to contact regarding the recovery of said tanks? Im not sure as to whether the site is classified as a war grave as im still digging for information at the minute but if it is not is there any reason as to why this would not be possible? Considering they are in Salt water the task will be gigantic to make sure they do not corrode away as soon as they are lifted out of the water. Your views are welcomed! Many thanks Alex
  7. Well Adrian jokes but at the minute it just seems to going up and up. Does anyone know how much one sold in the UK recently was? Just curiosity really! Cheers Al
  8. Ian i think you missed my point im saying that over recent years there has been a huge rise in the of sherman tanks. Im not saying i can source parts for cheaper than advertised its just mere astonishment of how quickly they have risen in price cheers Al
  9. Well in Europe the Grizzly seems much more common than say the m4a4 or a3 for example but maybe thats just my small spin on things? and £10,000 for an engine! I mean imagine if you have just the bare hull and you're doing up the whole tank the cost would be astronomical!
  10. Just wondered if anybody else on here had seen it? 375,000 dollars for a Grizzly seems a rediculous price tag??? I mean its the more common Grizzly after all :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: Cheers Al
  11. Oooh time to persuade a certain someone to drag the hellcat out of the shed and fire up the ol radial i think!
  12. Read it again adrian. I said half the price of a sherman. and that would be a cheap sherman at £100,000. But as you say Sherman Prices are huge at the minute but its needs must as you say.
  13. Ok but like sort of half the money of a sherman or something like that. Seriously a huge amount of money. There was a set of grizzly tracks on Milweb last week. wonder if they are any good?
  14. Belongs to Mr Staman does it not? Seen a video of it on youtube. Track quoted at some rediculous price.
  15. so the possibilities of any of these still being there is slim? if there was a good chance i know of some people who have the money who would have them and put them back to how they should be ( the ww2 at least) many thanks al
  16. Have we heard anything about the tank? Would be really interesting to know who now has it ( hopefully wheatcroft) and more pics if we can get them! many thanks Al
  17. Well this is exactly the point Grasshopper. For example the dukws we drive around in are completely made from scratch. There are no traces of nit markings as most of them come as rusting hulks with massive holes in them. The markings are just made up to represent a division which served with dukws. The other things is engines. Now i dont know about other dukw owners ut i think its a reasonale assumption to say its getting to expensive to run an original engine in them. So We fitted them with diesel engines from busses that are far more economical. Do people think this is unfair. I mean to be honest the dukws wouldnt go anywhere with the original engines in because it would cost far too much! And with bolt ons. I mean iv'e seen many a halftrack with bits and bobs on that shouldnt be there. But in all honesty it takes an anorac like me to notice that. As long as it has resemblence to a vehichle from the period im fine with it and i dont think we should criticse it because not every collector is a perfectionist and if we all were there would be far less vehichles to see in my honest opion. Many thanks Al
  18. So what do you do when you get your rusty sherman which has no traces of unit? You have the choice to mark it up as you want. As long as you know the unit history and how the vehichle would be applied then i see no problem
  19. The tail gate all need replacing the whole interior needs to be done and the seats are non existant. There is alot of work need doing to it which will cost me what i pay for it in spares and getting stuff made up that cant be sourced. Unfortunatley it looks as if this is out of my reach!
  20. And yes it is the dodge pictured! Many thanks AL
  21. Well the guy wanted 10,000 Which i thought was very expensive because the iterior needs alot of work and an engine will need to be sourced. There is a few spares but no where near enough to complete it off of these spares and alot of more expensive stuff needed. Al
  22. Hello all. I thought i would post on here to find out people opinions of how much a unrestored dodge caryall is worth?? I have one in my eyes but the figure given made my eyes water! Justa helping hand and a few tips and hints please Many thanks AL
  23. I understand your point and from the originality point of view you are right. But and this is where push comes to shov. If you own the vehichle you are entitled to do what you want with the vehichle. With your freinds halftrack yes he may have loads of pieces of equipment that arnt right or that dont match the era and may well have the extra horns that prevent stuff. But this is his vehichle if he would rather have his horns in the way so he cant check the oil fine, let him destroy his halftrack. At the end of the day we have stuff on the hellcat like chaffee tracks which arnt original but are you williing to fork out huge amounts of money to fit original hellcat tracks?? Its all a case of what the OWNER wants. And it may not look right but we have to deal with that Many thanks Al
  24. But at least he can admit things are wrong with his vehichle. We have started to branch this hread off far too much. On one hand we are talking about bolt ons or add ons and on the other we are talking about the originality of the vehichle i:e Engine in the vehichle etc. When Our guy bought his hellcat i instructed him to not got over the top with gear and just get a few mussette bags and a k ration box or too yet what people add onto their vehichle is surely up to them? I mean say im a fool but if i owned a hellcat i would bolt on regardless of what other people say what I want. Many thanks Al
  25. With the whole engine and transmition stuff i have a little part to say. The person who owns the DUKW's we drive about at normandy are retro fitted with a modern diesel engine. Now he does have 3 dukws in restored condtion one of which has the original engine in it. However the other two have the diesels. One turbo charged the other not. My question to you guys is.... Is it fair to nit pick about keepng these vehichles going when its just not economical to run the original petrol engines. The guy spends long enough sourcing parts and making them up fro effectively scratch and i do believe that people can go a bit far by saying it should have the original engine fitted because i would bet that alot of people on this forum coldnt afford to run a dukw on the original petrol engine for any length of time. Alex
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