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Everything posted by AndyFowler

  1. Duxfords "Nellie" at SPEED on airfield run at 2008 military vehicle show !
  2. Good luck mate ! Hope to see you and Millie out and about soon ! Andy
  3. Hello Simon ! I know exactly where you are coming from regarding wanting to get your old girl mobile again my Explorer never seems to get the time she deserves :cry: ! Have you tried this chap who advertises on milweb for the brake parts ! http://www.milweb.net/dealers/trader/deanfield_commercials.htm Good luck mate and keep at her ! It'll all be worth it when you get her going ! Andy F.
  4. Thanks for those identification tips mate ! The Praga looks like someone forgot to fit the full size bonnet ! I think the cab is similar if not the same as the tracked carrier posted by Bernard ! Andy F
  5. Well done Mark an epic trip ! My friend Dave drove his petrol 432 to the Pageant the one year it was held in Danson Park Bexleyheath ! He came second in military section behind a halftrack with quad .50 cal turret , no prize money then ! Hope the Ward is recovering well ! Andy F
  6. Praga at Duxford today ! Zil at Duxford today ! Another Zil on the mad dash around the airfield ! This Zils trying to trying to catch the other one ! not sure it is a Zil ! Handy Crane lorry !
  7. Big MAZ making its Tank load look tiny ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYMnGrJXm5o&feature=user
  8. Big MAZ 537 at play on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p5yb0XHR2A&feature=related
  9. Heres the MAZ before she got her boots dirty ! Gorgeous !
  10. I think this "rolling rebuild " has got you hooked good and proper ! The shed will make a lot of difference ! Have you looked at these sites for Adverts ? http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Scammell/ http://www.scammellregister.co.uk/index.htm http://www.milweb.net/classifieds.php?type=8 http://freespace.virgin.net/scammell.man/ Good luck mate and keep a search for Scammell Pioneer on Ebay for parts ! These handbooks are on there now ! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=110260426895&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=001 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=110260426820&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=001 Don't look like it's gonna take you very long at all ! Unlike my Explorer !:cry: Andy F.
  11. Good luck then mate ! Hope it all goes well and post the pictures of you passing the finish line first !:bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::captain:
  12. What a beauty ! How long will the race take please Mr Weazle and what a lot of expensive fuel you'll burn ! Do you still pay the new duty on red derv if you are at sea ?
  13. Wise words Mike the Government seems to enjoy hasty legislation so it would probably be a disaster for all of us !
  14. Well done Neil, Everything comes to he who waits ! You taking the beast to War and Peace ?:bow::bow::bow:
  15. Mike , do you know of any civilian models in preservation ?
  16. Is it a sign the vessel is in distress if flown upside down ?
  17. 35,840 lb's or 16.25 ton for a standard Valentine according to my book ! DD may be different I suspect ! Andy F
  18. Yeah, great pics ! Any of the drive through town ? Must have been good fun ! :bow::bow:
  19. Website of a Garage in Scotland which used an Explorer until recently ! http://www.angelfire.com/ky/KyleAFC/photo.html
  20. :rotfl: Thank you for the information 6X6 if fuel becomes extinct rallying the door maybe my only hobby in the future !:cool2:
  21. This beauty on Milweb ! http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=43209&cat=4
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