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Everything posted by Locolines

  1. Why does the advert that flashes up at the top of the page that advertises motorcycles keep changing? It doesn't give me a chance for a proper gander :whistle:
  2. Seriously though I can't believe the fella is standing in the loco still. Brave ,or mad , or is it that he knows he is safe with a Jimmy?
  3. Great picture! but, Where's the fuel tank ? Or is the GMC now steam powered !
  4. Seems all good here. thankyou for your efforts
  5. I tried too, to no avail. I would measure mine, but being a dump truck they might be different to yours ?
  6. That's a good post ! Thank you.
  7. Bienvenue et bonjour mon ami. you will enjoy it here
  8. I think he means that 5 people , each paying for a gallon will give them a 40 mile range at the estimated 8 mpg
  9. Apache choppers fly nearly everyday over north Benfleet normally travelling NE then returning in the afternoon.
  10. Yes but don't overdo it because he may say.......... It's too much trouble to get it out. anyway good luck with it
  11. Has he given you a price yet ? If not don't go down there with all the tools coz he will know your on the hook. Personally I would go down the " it's a shame to see it that way, but look at it !" Approach first ... but that just me !
  12. Hey , don't forget those vacuum wipers if it pours down !
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