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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. About January when the snow is down and it's about three zillion degrees below zero and Bertha's engine is back and I wander into Kewelde's workshop where the log fire is roaring and the chestnuts and mulled wine are simmering on the hob and I say "about this engine that we are going to refit in the cold of my drive" then you will realise just how lucky you are. Knock on my friend,Knock on and then come the W & P Show you can pull up next to anyone of us and say "hey guys, come look what I got" :schocked:


  2. Morris 15cwt. Ever tried steering a brick? Brakes, hit the pedal and count to 10, when panic ensues one foot on the dashboard and pull the handbrake back as far as poss. Acceleration 0 to forty in five mins. Turning circle. For ever. Fuel consumption. Bloody hell. that much? Wouldn't swap her for the world. Mebbe I'm biased. :tup:


  3. Hy Guys,

    Thanks to our good friend Kewelde Bertha's engine is now out and ready to go to the shop for mending, while the engine is out I reckon now is a good chance to replace the clutch plate which is near the rivets.

    If anyone could send me in idiotproof words how to send photos. then I shall post some pics. of Bertha in the nude :schocked:

    What can one usefully add!!!



  4. Hi Gang,

    When in doubt ask !

    I have to get the white metal in the two halves of the big ends recast and the crankshaft machined and main bearings replaced. Have tried Cox and Turner who have a minimum 9 month waiting time which means I would miss next year's War & Peace show. :cry: Does anyone know any other firms I could try for a shorter waiting time?


  5. Hi Gang,

    I think the point the magazine was trying to make was that of all the British W W 2 vehicles that were parked up at the W & P only a few bothered to turn up for the run that evening, every year there is a run for Yank vehicles but never one for U K lorrys. Mebbe someone had a toot to that effect and the powers that be took notice. If they did then whom so ever suggested it now has egg on their face. What a shame. Mebbe if there is one next year then mebbe some more of the Brit owners will drag the empty beer cans from round the wheels and make the effort to make it to the arena. :-o


  6. Straying off the topic a bit, as a young green tiffy app. I was once sent to the Indian guy in the Naval Stores for a box of dho B A uppa nichi dhobi not sure about the spellings. In my naivety I went, only to find out afterwards that dho means two, B A same, uppa means up, nichi means down and dhobi means wash. A box of 2 B A spring washers. His answer has mentally scarred me for life :drool:


  7. Hi Gang,

    Don't know anything about digital cameras, I have been observed wandering about with my little brownie in my hand but that's another story. John Blackman from CMV took some great shots of Bertha at W & P which he was kind enough to share with me and they were excellent so if I were about to buy a new camera I would pick his brains and if it were more than I could afford then with Christmas soon upon us I would start to drop thinly veiled hints.


    John. :whistle:

  8. I remember this written on the wall of a bar which for some obscure reason was known as the bucket of blood in I think New Zealand in the sixties;

    May the Lord above,

    Send down a dove,

    With wings as sharp as razors,

    To cut the throats,

    Of all the blokes,

    Who sell bad beer to sailors.



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