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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. I took Bertha to the arena on the Wednesday evening for what should have been the British vehicle ride out which didn't happen, I don't know why, mebbe not enough vehicles turned up but there were quite a few photo's taken there and I downloaded a few of them. Can't seem to print any at A4 size to frame without them going all grainy. Any suggestions of how to enlarge them would be appreciated.


  2. I don't think this is anything new, thirty odd years ago I was a trade union organiser and branch secretary and I found there were only two issues that would bring out more than "the faithful few" one was a strike notice and the other was a pay rise, in short we all get what we deserve whether it's a club or a government. The more you put into a thing then the more you get out of it.



  3. Hi Guys,

    With regard to what Jack said about choosing words carefully and not wishing to bring the forum into disrepute, I am going to W & P on Saturday and if any of you wish to have a natter re. a protest at the roadsure stand then my mob. no. is 0775 1719501 and if all goes as planned then Bertha will be parked up in America's Field just over the bridge and opposite the toilets(I am over 60 you know) :blush:



  4. Hi All,

    Not often I get up on my hind legs and bray but I am now, I seem to have lost a post somewhere but what did happen?

    Could you give us your proper name Jack as my insurance is up for renewall with Roadsure soon and I intend to go with another firm if they have s--t on you, and I shall tell them that is why they will have to forgo my custom.

    They are bound to have a stall at W & P and it is my intention to go to that stall and tell them the same, now I can't tell youall what to do but mebbe if weall did the same then mebbe a different out come would ensue. If I ran a lousy pub then folk would vote with their feet and my place would be empty so why can't we of the forum do the same to them? Or is that a silly question?


    John. :evil: :evil:

  5. I have just taxed my Morris 15cwt and on the renewal form it says Validation Character L. and on the receipt it says Scheme Licence-Old MOT/Exempt Svc 2. According to my book of words she goes 2ton 12cwt 1qtr 14 lbs and carries a 5ton bridging plate and I have never had any probs. with re-taxing. Not much help to you I know but it works for me. :whistle:


  6. Hi Gang,

    As some of you may know I was a bit ill with ticker trouble for a little while and there are some of you who I have promised info. or drawings to who haven't got them, this isn't 'cause I forgot, I just was out of the game for a while, if you let me know what help is outstanding then I shall take it to W & P with me and you can collect it there.



  7. Those of you who read my replies will know that if I'm not trying to help someone then I'm poking gentle fun at some of the posts. This is not a political forum and never should be. The government we get is the government we deserve immaterial of the alledged colour. The few people who replied before me are a throwback of the attitude of my generation who grew up with fathers and mothers who survived the war ( I'm the wrong side of 60) and as a nation then we took nobody's s--t, internally or externally but we have grown complacent and except for a few, just take it. Now we seem to live in a society with the attitude of "if it doesn't affect me then s-d it" and the way I see it, that's what's wrong, immaterial of who we vote for. The Merchant Navy never got the recognition they deserve either, but they like Bomber command and many others like The Bevan Boys are now an old embarrassment to the powers that be.

    God bless them all.

    Written with great Passion and Annoyance, and no apologies either,



  8. I remember about thirty years ago taking my oldest boy who is grown up with a child of his own to see the Menin Gate and reading the memorials to the Unaccounted For. Every country which was in the Empire at that time is represented. One that has allways stayed with me is Malaysian Bicycle regiment. A very sobering thought to consider those poor men, perhaps some of whom had never seen such conditions before and transported to a foreign land to just dissapear and to have no known grave. Truly the other side of the hobby we all enjoy. If we do have an expedition next year to go there then please count me in.


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