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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. Dear Mrs. HF,

    It takes little initiative to troll up to any perfume counter anywhere in the world and ask for Chanel no.5 but to spend time digging in some farmers turnip field braving the dangers of WW1 & 2 unexploded debris, well that takes dedication and thought. What more can I add ! What more could a girl ask?

    PS anyone who can guess why I am on my own then write the reason on a £10 note and give to me at W & P :whistle:



  2. As this is a family forum and in view of the previous posts concerning where one likes to expose ones bucket I shouldn't say that hanging from the mirror could possibly mean that one likes to see ones chum coming from behind :whistle:


  3. I remember as a boy seeing a photo of a London Transport Routmaster bus on four china teacups, it's all to do with the distribution of weight.

    I am quite willing to empty four beer bottles for anyone who wishes to try the jeep on a bottle trick at W & P. You know me, all heart. :whistle:


  4. I think Desert Victory was about the battle of El Alemain and I think I've got it somewhere on tape, It's in black and white and it shows the British troops, I don't remember seeing a yank which makes a change. :oops2:

    When my boys were little they liked Captain Scarlett and the Misterons :whistle:


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