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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. Hi Gang,

    You cheerful bunch of buggers, did you never hear how the sun only shines on the good, rain or shine we'll have a good time(assuming the beer don't get washed away) :cry:



  2. Hi Gang,

    Anyone going to the Hythe do that weekend, I have a big car park at The Bell and if you want to eat after the parade then you have 10% discount on meals, I shall be at the ranges after 1800 on the Friday if you want to find me with any questions, you can't miss Bertha, once seen, never forgotten.



  3. Hi Gang,

    My paper work for the Hythe do came this morning so in theory every-one else's is in the post.

    This afternoon for the first time since september of last year Bertha moved under her own power. :yay::yay::yay: All I have to do now is to do a bit of "tarting up" and she is finished.:sweat::thumbsup:



  4. Hi Andy,

    I've heard nothing either but there is a guy who comes in the pub who is to do with the ranges and I've told him I'm coming and if I get knocked back at the gate when I turn up on the friday then I shall go home and s-d 'em and I shall kick up hell with the mayor (best of a pub, you get to know an awful lot of people). See you there,


    John. :wave:

  5. Hi Gang,

    Have found and fitted the new voltage control box, all I have to do now is find out what I did to stop the headlights from working and there is a grave danger Bertha will be ready for the Hythe weekend do at the beginning of next month. :yay::yay::yay:



  6. I'll make a conscious effort to get a lay out plan this time. Is there any mileage in suggesting an informal drinks party where we can all get together the night before? No pressure.




    If we had the informal drinks party in the arena then we could all be there the next morning.

    Bertha and I will endeavor to make it this year if she's running by then. :sweat:



  7. Hi Gang,

    Things are not going too well at the moment, tried out the brakes and found a flexi coupling gone so I replaced that and now I find the regulator/control board is suspect, at this rate I shall never make the W & P show this year :sweat::shake:, anybody know where I can get a C A V type 75BT-19X replacement?:help:



  8. Hi Gang,

    I remember getting in touch with the Imperial War Museum a few years ago when I started work on Bertha to get the correct markings for the bonnet star and they told me there was no hard and fast rule, it was very much up to who was doing the painting at the time.



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