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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. Forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong place.

    Thanks to Kewelde I have the name of a place near Appledore in Kent who can replace the perspex in side screens if anyone is interested. He did mine last week and made a cracking good job of them :banana: :banana:


  2. Hi,

    I am led to believe that manufacture of the enamel badges ceased on or not long after the war started and they were fitted to vehicles until all stocks were exausted. :rtfm: Nice to have the smileys back to play with.


  3. Hi Rick,

    Iv'e just gone away and thought about it and I seem to remember the pipework still being in place when I stripped out the Autovac as I needed a bit of pipe. A line came from each tank to the shut off valve which went into each side of the Autovac which is like a short stubby cigar tube, that's a filter. From the outlet side it went to the carb. I can't remember how it went but mebbe it followed parallel with the fromt brake pipe to the front nearside wheel as I don't think it goes over the engine as I think the theory of the vac. feed was the induction stroke of the engine created a vacuum which sucked down the fuel and the higher the line after the Autovac the less efficient the vac. MEBBE



  4. Hi Rick,

    It sounds to me as if you have an Autovac system, are the change over valves on the forrard bulkhead above the clutch pedal? I don't have that system as I have a mechanical fuel pump which is fitted on the right hand side of the engine, looking forward from the cab. I had an Autovac system on the bulkhead which was not coupled up so I took it off and used the two valves as tank isolators. I took a pipe from left tank to a valve by the left filler cap so I could reach it from that side and from the other tank I put the other valve just by the back of the cab on the right side so I could reach that and then both lines went to a threeway coupling so I could run on either or both tanks.



  5. Hi Rick,

    I took the old hoses to my local motor factors and bought the nearest size to fit, I got the longer lengths as I can keep what's left for spares or to get someone out of trouble. With regard to the metal pipes, I don't see why you can't use plumbers copper piping and bend it to shape. :wave:


  6. Cheer up guys, soon be War and Peace show, waiting for hours for a shower with your feet in luke warm mud then off for a dump with no paper left. try to cheer yourself up with a cuppa only to find the queue is a mile long at the water tap. Oh cr-p, time for the Valium washed down with gin. It's only being so cheerful that keeps us going :-D :-D


  7. Nothing wrong with Straite Street, I remember a lovely girl there in the fifties who could make a guy feel so relaxed, even his toe nails were limp afterwards. I met a similar girl in Aden who was the cause of my broken nose. With regards to the exhaust fumes, that's another job I must do while Bertha is in dry dock :-D



  8. But I asked Caesar, Kaiser Willhelm, The Tsar of all the Russia's and the Imperial Chinese Emperor, they are all in the next ward and The Grand Wizard of the Underworld, who lives under my bed, says I am a great candidate:shake:


  9. When I logged on this morning I was but a mere lance corporal, now I see I am a corporal. This means by July I shall be Emperor of the World with mere mortals prostrating themselves at my feet as I pass. I shall live in a marble palace surrounded by concubines and dusky maidens each vieing for my favours. I shall have unlimited free Guinness and my own reserved pitch at War and Peace with my own personal toilet, shower and stand pipe! (I'm just coming Matron, don't forget you promised I could sit next to the driver on the way back to the home) :-D :tongue: :naughty:


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