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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. When I feel the flu coming on I resort to port & brandy washed down with guinness, I find this works as I only have two colds a year, a summer cold from april till october and a winter cold from november till march :shake:


  2. I mebbe got the wrong end of the stick but doesn't this rather show that groups such as ourselves can provide a social service to Jo Public to stop him from being ripped off due to the knowledge of some of our more observant members? :-o


  3. So far we have Mark with his request for leather underpants and Lee Enfield who wants something "soft and frilly", at this rate our divisional tailor will be Ann Summers and instead of LEAN GREEN MACHINES we will all be driving pink soft-tops with chintz curtains on the windscreens. !!!!! :schocked:


  4. Now I can see the big picture posted by Enigma, here's my theory deary.

    It's taken in Germany judging by the name over the door of the building, the candles in all the windows make me think it's Christmas and the swirly thing on the right is a Christmas tree with lights wound it which make the figure in the middle look spooky.

    But then I'm just a cynical old merchant seaman :dunno:



  5. There's a ghost of a dog without a tail at the pub and one night after closing time I was locking up when this ghostly dog came up to me with it's tail in its mouth wanting me to fix it back on. I told the ghost in no uncertain terms that I don't retail spirits after closing time :whistle:


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