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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. Hi Guys,

    Cor, don't bad luck travel, laying under Bertha bolting up the silencer and felt what I thought was water dripping on me. Hole in one of the tanks, 'nother job to add to the list. I have so much luck, why is it all bad? :(

    Frost's is about the best is it?



  2. Hi Guys,

    A few years ago Cliff Povey introduced me to a guy at the IMPS Sellinge do when they had them, this guy lived on Sheppey near Cliff and he was selling a system that consisted of an inline attachment and some pellets in what looked like a fabric net bag, like you used to get sugared almonds in years ago that dropped into the tank. The inline attachment was so you could run on unleaded fuel and the "almonds" was I believe to stop the fuel degrading over the winter when not used, mebbe this is the same thing With regards to what it looks like with the head off, I seem to have had the head off Bertha more times than seems to be fair and I haven't seen any build up of "muck"



  3. MORRIS 15 CWT.

    At one time seemed quite rare but more seem to be turning up every year.

    Basic 4 cylinder engine, not a problem to work on, have been told that one engine problem is they seem to get through valves and springs with monotonous regularity, only hearsay.

    Early models had aero screens, later ones had a windscreen in two halves which could be opened separately.

    Spares still about with a little scratching round, have found the silencer for a V W Camper is about the same as origional.

    Four wheel drive which keeps the fuel consumtion down to about 10 mpg but with the front drive shaft removed will rise to about 12-14. Removal can be a bit embarrasing as at last years W & P when I needed a push to move a 25 lb gun.

    Ugly looking beast , steers like a brick and built for a crew of midgets but grows on you.

    Much the same as any other British vehicle, no better no worse than most, just your personal choice.

    Hope this helps a bit,:???



  4. H Gang,

    Just looked through my work sheets and found that the first time I changed a gasket I torqued down to 48.

    When I started this time I pulled a stud at 22 so I had a toot at Gosney's and they sent down a fitter who put a helicoil in and waited while I torqued down.

    He suggested 40 which is what she's now at. Seems ok so I shall settle for that. Mebbe with the origional studs untouched it might be possible to go down more as the corrosion of 60 years might give added strength but as she was re-studded I don't think it's worth taking the chance.:sweat:

    I have a diagram of the tightening order if anyone wants a copy.



  5. Hi Guys,

    I keep the issue 5 gall. can full, it sits nicely out the way on a Morris and Bertha's fuel gauge is a piece of calibrated wood for a dipstick, that's two, the other one does the driving :-D



  6. Hi Catweazle,

    I seem to remember from children's television when my boys were little that Catweazle was a wizard who got most of his spells wrong so could it be that your demotion is self inflicted? :idea:



  7. Hi Gang,

    Many thanks for your kind wishes,:tup:: having a GREAT day, as some of you know my eldest boy has been overseas with the R A F. He came back last friday and this morning he came over from Brize with his family and took me out for lunch in Canterbury. What a lovely surprise that was !:yay::yay::yay:



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