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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Posts posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. Hi Mark,

    Putties were made of cloth and wrapped around the ankles whereas gaiters were made of canvas, the American type had a strap which went under the boot just in front of the heel and the British type went around the ankle and were secured by two straps much the same as the straps on the back of a British lorry canvas only smaller. if I had a shilling for every time i've had to clean a pair I would have a fleet of lorries instead of just Bertha. :wave:

  2. was sad to hear about your back,reckon it is mandatory in the mv game. There was an ointment called Wintergreen for rubbing on backs etc. was good stuff, t'would burn the b----cks :argh: off a bull but I don't know if it's still around now.

    Keep smiling,


  3. Call me a cynical old merchant seaman if you wish, but how strange that the price of petrol has gone down now that the kids are back at school and no-one is going on holiday! :-o


  4. I seem to remember when I was a kid, some of the oldtimers in Burmarsh talking about a bolthole near there where some home guard soldiers were supposed to hole up if there had been an invasion and wait until the Germans had passed before surfacing to create havoc until they were killed. Don't know exactly where it was but it might be a lead worth following.


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