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Posts posted by antarmike

  1. well im confused after all that but i think i understand, i also take it you dont need a HGV for agricultural tractors?


    Passing a car test B category automatically gives you Class F Agricultural Tractor and Trailer so most tractors used in agriculture can be driven on the public highway by anyone who has passed a car test


    Cat. F does not cover other tractors, such as council tractors, golf course tractors, etc.


    C&U: Imposes Maximum weight = 24 390 kg, on an Agric Tractor/ Trailer combination, So a loaded trailer with a 12000kg capacity,


    unladen weight of 5900 kg towed by a tractor weighing 6500 kg


    would be overweight for the public highway.*


    Tractor & one trailer maximum length = 18.75 metres


    Tractor & trailer maximum width = 2.55 metres


    (This may be exceeded providing conditions are complied with*)


    This makes it highly unlikely that you could tow a laden Pole trailer, behind a Matador, on a class B/ Class F licence. You would be outside what can be called an Agric Tractor trailer combination (as determined by C and U regs) and as I read it you would have to have the Matador and Trailer plated and run them as HGV combination. This would require HGV 1 (C + E)


    You can drive an Agric Tractor/ Trailer Combination on a class B / Class F licence providing the max combined weight does not exceed 24.390 Tonnes


    If you say Matador weighs 7.5 Tonnes, a pole trailer 6 Tonnes. Max timber you can carry is only about 10 and a bit Tonnes. Which is not really enough to be useful, my Pole Trailer was plated to run at 24 Tons.

  2. Two more Churchills in Normandy, both AVRE´s. There used to be a third one, but its place has been taken by a Centaur IV.


    The three AVRE´s were placed along the coastal road within a dozen miles of each other. This "AVRE alley" led to some confusion among tank spotters: "Did you see the AVRE in Normandy?" "Which one of the three?!?" "Three!! You are kidding!?! I only saw two and that made my day already." It does spoil the fun a bit if there are so many of one type to be seen at one place. It is a bit the same with jeeps at a HMV show . . . ;)




    Why on the Barrel has one got a steel plate affair welded on top, and the other got something very similar but welded below the barrel? What is this part of the gun, and are both versions correct?

  3. You CAN TOW a Laden Pole Trailer on Historic Tax. Only Commercial Vehicles and PSV's registered before 1973 still in revenue service cannot run in the historic taxation class.


    Agric Machines can be Historic and be used to tow laden Agric trailers, and be taxed as Historic.

    But when towing laden trailers on Historic tax, the same restrictions on type of fuel, nature of journey, cargo carried that apply to Agric Licence, still apply.



    SEE INF 34, where it clearly says, Qualifying Vehicles,

    "Special concessionary – including agricultural machines, mowing machines, snowploughs, gritting vehicles, electric vehicles and steam vehicles."


    A pre 973 Agric Machine running on Historic Tax has exactly the same rules, limits of use, restrictions and benefits as a post 1973 Agric machine running on a Agric Licence.

  4. It is not so much about power as the frequency they transmit on. Amatuer Radio licence only allows transmission on very specific bands. For each band there is a Max and Min frequenccy.


    Google Amatuer Radio Band Plan....then compare with Clansmans fixed (crystal controlled???) frequecies.


    If you can get a version that will transmit within the allocated freqencies for that band, then at face value I can't see why they cannot be used, by a licenced amatuer providing the use does not move outside these frequncies.

  5. Technically that is the wrong taxation class, and gives you no rights, privileges, or concessions that Historic doesn't also give.


    My Mat and Douglas were both Agric Machine. I moved them onto Historic and DVLA told me that if anything happened legislation wise, that made Historic less useful to me, that I could at any time change back to Agric.


    When I tried to do this after two years, they told me that I could not change, and every vehicle registered before 1973 "should" be registered as Historic Vehicle, and that this was the correct class.


    This doesn't entirely agree with this Direct.gov page though


  6. No because of their age their correct taxation class is Historic vehicle. DVLA won't tax anything pre 1973 (with a few exceptions) as anything other than Historic, Commercially operated HGV's built pre 1973 still need an HGV tax, virtually everthing else is "Historic"


    Historic vehicles can be used commercially for agriculture and forestry, and Historic is the correct. registration.

  7. I personally can't see the relevance of

    V765 -Application to register a vehicle under its original registration number.


    If this is a first registration you cannot keep its original registration number which is an Army Number which only they can use. It isn't even technically a registration number/Mark in the sense DVLA know registration marks.


    Surely you should be applying for an "Age Related" number

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