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Posts posted by ashley

  1. correcting,............three of them; :sweat::sweat:


    Didn't recognise the back of me head, whilst wheeling that jeep wheel.........:-D


    Glory hunter ... when are you going to buy the rest of that jeep, as you only have the wheel you must be paying by instalments :-D



  2. Happened with Silver a while ago. Scrap price got so high people were selling stuff for scrap at pittance of the antique value. Follow the £ I'm afraid.


    There was also the fact that at that time British WW 1 war medals could be brought as an item for approx 50p and sold as scrap silver for £3.00 :shocked: many groups were split up at this time and pairs (`Mutt & Jeff` )had the silver one sold and the other thrown away as it was worthless :(:cry::cry::argh:




  3. I can only apologies to all ,

    as i never made it due to the fact that instead of packing i was out socializing and had to pack up in the morning (and was still 3 hours late leaving than planned :-\.


    Next year i`ll get more organized.



  4. Andy (lee endfield) and i chatted about this idea, but it seems all of us travel to the show alone or with our regular friend/groups, and in the past have enjoyed friends company on different areas of the site to include many of the the European visitors includind a very nice Dutch couple this year.


    If a HMVF area was created i am sure i would use it but in the Americas field you are never far from a HMVF`er



  5. Mine were much the same

    ....could do better...has the ability ...should take more pride in his work....he would rather spend his time climbing trees with his friends... takes his punishment like a man (after being caned every sunday morning for a whole term even though i denied smoking, drinking, and skiping church and on one occaision consuming the whole school terms confirmation wine [hic] stored in the church.


    Moving back to the U.K. my dad who was just completing 25 years Army service,expected me to follow suit....untill i left school and joined a travelling funfair for three months :cool2:



    Aaaaah those were the days....



  6. Same feeling`s here,

    this year managed to stay out of the beer tents etc ,reckon i saved a fortune, good to meet up with lee and his fellow mates, also Andy at various times through out the show.

    Also to all the other other lads whom i exchanged a quick hello with.

    May be next year i`ll get time to se more of you all.



  7. Hi Gang,

    Nice one of Bertha, have downloaded it for my scrapbook. Thanks to whoever took it :tup::, you could have come over and said hello :cry:






    i actually did pop over and speak to you as you and your lady were sunning yourselves, albiet only for a short time.



  8. Hi all,

    i don`t know if it applied to the pacific area, but U.S. tropps in europe could send items home what i belive was called `Penny Post` that is for a flat rate of 1 penny you could send items home.

    This is i am sure how they ended up with items such as one of Gorings staff cars, also Adolf`s yacht.


    Even in the 1WW you could stick an address lable on to the front of a helmet and send it home through the post :shocked: but as for armour ??



  9. Your doing pritty good mate,the lenses are military but later.Try your hand at this one,theres a few things not quite right,i dont think the thatch is correct for that year.


    Now this is the real world,Real people,they manage to keep smiling,and repair things how green is that.




    The seasonal roof looks fine to me note how the thatch matches the ground cover as a specific specie, pity they have not fitted the matching doors to help with the concealment factor.



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