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Everything posted by 67burwood

  1. Had a bit of spare time this afternoon so decided to do a trial fit of the wing and step, I had my doubts on how well it would fit as there has been a lot of repairs and sections replaced on both the wing and cab, all new holes needed to be drilled and the actual position of the wing needed to be worked out, the front of the wing is a fixed point with 3 bolt holes but due to the size and flex of the wing the rear section can be pushed or pulled in and out by a good inch, bearing in mind this is not the first time the truck has had multiple repairs to the cab and over 50% is no longer original, let’s just say it took a fare amount of fettling and was threatened with a hammer on several occasions but it did eventually fit, the good thing about not having any original holes to line up is you just fit it where you want it and drill new ones. Still need to measure and drill holes for the lights Overall not a bad fit in the end. A quick lick of paint and it’ll be as good a new.
  2. Welcome Chris I think historic vehicles are exempt from the lez but I could be wrong, either way a nice Tilly driving around London would still turn heads.
  3. I had the same idea myself for the underside, knock the tops off the welds and coat with a flexible sealer, the underside was never going to be pretty.
  4. 2 weeks sounds about right, I reckon by the time this wing is beaten and filled it will be a weeks work and another week for the drivers side.
  5. Today’s progress was good, managed to get all the repair sections fitted and seam welded, heat distortion was kept to a minimum which has made a massive difference to the finish. first 2 sections of the day tacked in. All the dots joined up. The front section was a bit more involved as the front has a curve. Final piece in place and tacked. A blind man would be pleased to see that 🙄. I reckon it’s about 50/50 new and old, should last another few years.
  6. There definitely a bit of panel beating and grinding to do, I’ve over filled the welds to allow a bit of shaping with a flap disc.
  7. It’s something I’ve never done and it’s on my list of things to try but to be honest the wings are that bad I would need to up rate the front springs to cope with the extra wait 😁
  8. 🤔 I am thinking several layers of filler 😁
  9. With the paint removed it was easier to see what needed work. No messing about this afternoon, rot cut out and new metal welded in, it’s definitely not pretty but that’s what fillers for 😬 “Patch work” is an understatement 🤨 The repairs continue tomorrow!! On a separate note some goodies arrived today courtesy of Eddie 1983. Following a previous discussion regarding lights, I am upgrading for safety reasons to the military lamps with screw type lens found on Land Rovers and other MV but the originals will still be fitted for show.
  10. Evening everyone At last some progress 🎉 it was that time again to set up the operating table, dust off the grinders and order some more sheet steel!! Time to tackle the front wings, thankfully these are the last part of the major body repairs other than the rear bed but that’s mainly timber work. Now for some unknown reason I had it in my head that the front wings weren’t in too bad a condition 🤔 …….I was…WRONG 🤨….. So….I remembered some advice that a fellow forum member gave me “ take a deep breath and carry on “ At first glance they don’t look to bad. But once on the table it’s a different story. Best course of action, cut off all the old repairs which were rotted and see what’s left. The thick layers of filler are not a good sign Two thirds of the old repairs removed and this is as far as I am going at the moment, I now need to start cleaning and welding in new repair sections to keep its shape, this is not ideal but it’s in such bad condition it needs to be strengthened before I can continue.
  11. It’s Urban camouflage, very affective in suburban areas 😂
  12. it’s just hibernating 😁 Went to a very good home and I am sure I’ll see it again.
  13. 🤔 was it the wheelie bin that gave it away 😂
  14. No progress to report at the moment, I swear every time I go to uncover the truck it starts to rain 🤬 There has however been some movement with the Matador, it is with great regret that I have sold it 🤥 “ happy wife, happy life “ as they say……. Nothing to see here !! Move along now……..
  15. Well the wot6 now has a freshly painted civilian pick axe head and handle that fits perfectly, I am sure I’ll use the WD pick on another project, AEC Matador possibly 🤔
  16. It’s a tad annoying as I bought the 42 dated pick axe just for the wot6 🤨
  17. Thanks Craig, I’ll keep in eye out for, hopefully be able to buy a copy online. Seamus
  18. Hi Rob They look just the job, PM sent Cheers Seamus
  19. Thank you for the picture, it looks factory to me and that’s good enough.
  20. Thank you for the eBay links, I believe these are the same lamps Richard mentioned and your both right, they don’t look out of place and would certainly meet todays road regulations, so that’s settled, Military spec screw in lamps it is. Thank you all for your input, all I have to do now is turn out my spares bins and see if I have enough, don’t fancy paying those eBay prices 🤨
  21. It’s a good idea for extra lighting that can be easily removed, I didn’t know they existed 👍
  22. Tbh it’s unlikely that I will use a trailer board, I would prefer to fit modern period looking lamps for better visibility, I least that way you wouldn’t forget to connect up a trailer board. Out of interest do the remote lights your referring to operate as brake lights as well ?
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