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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Land Rover marketing now seems to be obese Americans and Foot baller's wives. As for shipping stuff back there is now a lucrative marketing for stripping and refurbishing Landy spares, not to mention scrap, so costs might at least breack even.
  2. I hesitate to ask, (But will anyway) Have you been at the Villiage People albums again? Are we talking Sea Shipping ? 'In the Navy'.
  3. Thanks Johnny. Will be mostly thin plate vehicle type repairs. The project to practice on will be our old Sankey trailer. It is getting metal moth in the tub, and as it used as a working trailer, rather than a show piece.
  4. Are they markings for small webbing packs? I know my dressing pack has the small circle with red cross.
  5. I didn't know about the Blue and Blue incident at Jerusalem Cross roads. The cemetery there is the smallest in Normandy. Unusually it has two WW2 Known unto God markers. That would be explained by a massive explosion. As you say the eye witness books have little pices that are important to the person but would be thought not much intrest in the 'Big Picture. The farm in the background .
  6. Thanks Degsey! The book has arrived and I've started reading it! It's fantastic so far. Can't wait now to get back to Ver Sur Mer and walk through it.
  7. Great for parking in busy supermarket car parks though! :-D
  8. Number 1 Son has a whole heap of dodo from great hights latley. I wan't to get him something for christmas that will cheer him up. Can anyone recommend 1 A make of MIG welder, 2 The sort of spec I should go for 3 A supplier? Preferably not frightengley expensive. I've seen some Wolf ones on Amazon for about £150, but are they any good?
  9. Knowing your maniacal mind, are they markings for various minefeilds? That has nothing 'Up in the air'.
  10. Welcome Steve, now stand by for the groans from other members. There is only one military vehicle that will fufil all your requirments, and bring a grin to your face every time you drive it! A Dodge WC51 Weapons Carrier.
  11. Well markings for airborne equipment. They are vehicle marks for the various parachute groups aren't they?
  12. Ahhh! Went there for a holiday years ago, my sister lives in Missiguaga! :-D
  13. Ambulances always welcome. Don't forget to post pictures on the Ambulance thread.
  14. If all else fails, couldn't you settle for a Q plate then get a classic registration? I wonder how an engine can be dated. However, there is allowance on classics for use of a modern replacement by the same manufacturer if the old part is not repairable, available.
  15. Your great uncle was in good company. JRR Tolkien was Signals Officer in the Lancashire Fusilers. Many of the terms he would used have since passed into the English Language, Toc H , Wilco and even Roger are all Telegrapheses. Signallers were trained in Morse, Flags, Telephone techniques, pigions and flares. They were also responsible for keeping lines intact, when every shell or boot could cut them. He must have been one hell of a man.
  16. An easier way to get the box out is to make a wooden frame, from 4 x 2 fit to box release and lower the box on jacks. Not as complicated or difficult as it sounds. I think there is an ilusstration in a Haynes manual.
  17. Not any now that I can think of in SE London. Various shops around Charing Cross sold all sorts of intresting things, from Surplus weaponary to inflatable sheep.
  18. In Jersey during the 1960's there was one on the top of La Moye school at St Brelade. I only remember it sounding once, though others were mounted on German bunkers at various points round the Island. There were also bunkers used as Civil Defence monitoring/reporting sites. Three in all I belive.
  19. You must be a well built bloke then!:-D The original fixed type cross member can be cut off and either replaced with a later bolt on one or rewelded. The only other known way for the box to come out of a hard topped body is through the right hand door. When refitting the engine has a habit of dropping. Well worth packing level before you start.
  20. My son has just come across a Cockrel, that sounds just like an air raid siren. Bit corny really.
  21. So you purchased a Saracen? Well, if you're going to make a mistake make a good one! Welcome in you'll find a lot of help and advice, not much sympathy though! :-D
  22. Tony B

    Action pic

    The burst looks very like programmable projectiles. Designed to burst in many diffrent ways! All of which are very unhealthy to those at ground zero. :-D
  23. Welcome in Chris. Where abouts in that huge place are you?
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