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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. No tried neither. Thanks Richard that had come to mind , nice to be confirmed. Andy, that's bizzare! So will try it! :-D
  2. And its a curse as well! After renewing some pipe work and the master cylinder on the QL the ***ch is refusing to bleed through. Unfortunatley the master cylinder is about six inches above the cylinders so gravity won't help. Vacum bleeding, pressure bleeding and a combination have bene tried. Any suggestions welcome. A gallon of petrol and a match have come to mind. The manual says bleed from the front first, which we've tried.
  3. ALLLL the big yellow and orange blobs around your bit of the countryside. Remeber in a famine situation you eat the leg first! But it is considered very bad manners to eat your own leg, (Terry Pratchett Disc World Monsterous Reginment) :cool2:
  4. Try the Met Office site at the moment!
  5. It's up to us old gits to remind show organisers, if we don't come, all they have is an empty feild. Which the public don't pay to come and see. And I'm quite happy to tell a show organiser who runs a buissness on MY kit that to thier face. I know some will sob that it cost a fortune to set up a show, well that's thier problem, not mine. There re are a number of events that are organised by clubs of which I'm memeber or for a Charity that I support that I'll happily spend my money and spend my time to attend. An organiser bank balance ain't any of them.
  6. Yes but even so! :nut:
  7. I have TOLD you! Those mushrooms in the club house garden have got to go! :shocked:
  8. That expalins the gold hard hat and silver sink plunger! I was worrying he's reaching 'That' age! :cheesy:
  9. Funny isn't it? 'THEY' are telling everyone to prepare for the Artic, be prepared to cook your passenger if you see a snow flake, fit M&S tyres and snow chians. But still expect the buses to run on time.....:yawn: M25 Snafu around Dartford, grannie out a 5 mph paniciking if a car coem towrds them, BMW man out wheel spinning , ogh the joys of London traffice.
  10. Welcome along. Pictures of the 101 would be nice.
  11. From the Sound of it, the Moderators need an 'Independent sanity Inspector' (Backed up by pick handles )
  12. Yeah! You have a choice, the West End- you can swim all to America, the East End you bounce of the ice. By the way, it's started snowing this morning.
  13. Welcome Harry, ditch the Land Rover and get a Dodge! Nicer to drive nicer to own and easy to work on.
  14. Though Headcorn where IMPS now have Combined Ops, is about the same distance as Beltring. Perhaps 8 miles in it.
  15. Either that's Dutch, or, what HAVE you got in the bottle?:-D
  16. Mules rather than horses. The Indian Army have the world's biggest military stud, speciffically to breed mules.
  17. From the sound of his wake call, he already has!:cool2:
  18. Ah so that's why Coca Cola at Sidcup have been so busy. Best imported stock! Happy Birthday, keep well!
  19. What makes you think your obbsessed? Just look in the Clubhouse Car Park. Welcome back to normallity.
  20. Welcome, you will have a lot of moddlers for company here. We all love to see pictures of people s work, so don't be shy.
  21. Tony B

    V2 found

    A 'Major Cache' of unexploded WW2 ordnace was found off St Aubins bay in Jersey about 40 years back. It was decided to explode it in place. Many Civil Defence Warnings and damage limitations instructions were issued. Us kids were very devious in avoiding the Police officers posted along the top of the coast line. Come the Moment Off Doom!!!!!!! Slight splash! Wasn't worth the various bollokings from Police , parents and teachers. Most dissaponiting! :-D
  22. Yeah, the fish glow in the dark!
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