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Posts posted by andy1960

  1. Ok, last year I had no charge in in my MW. Has new wiring loom and had alternator apart and checked brushes etc. During a long journey it kicked into life again and was then ok until I got it out again today. Wiring all checked and nothing loose. Need to know what else to check please. Thanks.




    Hi may be wrong here but I thought MW have dynamo rather than alternator so probably its lost its internal magnetism so will not "self generate". Start the engine and set to fast tick over. Remove cover from regulator box on the firewall and manually press the cut out solenoid briefly. This should "spark up" the dynamo and allow it to self generate the magnetic field it needs to produce power.

    Hope this helps .

  2. NUTS ! yes I've finally gone nuts its official :nut:




    Just had a hundred of these bad boys made for the truck I can now get things bolted up tight ready for paint I know its a bit OCD but the nuts on the Bedfords body had a certain shape to them that I could not find and which give it a certain look so needs must .


    Hi Jez If you go on Sunday keep an eye out for a Normandy MC hat , I should be there. Regards Andy B

  3. Hi ..Looks like you are doing a real good job on these.If you are having a pair of skins made ie L and R what would be the chances of a second pair at the same time and at what cost ..as I think I would to re skin mine also? :-)






    part fourteen



    The work on the cab doors continues with the stripping of the two original doors and removal of door skin on the correct door ,taking the door skins off the two original doors revealed the extent of the work that was going to be needed to make them correct









    both door frames show signs of wet rot ,dry rot and wood worm (hopefully dead through old age )one of the frames has been totally dismantled to make a set of patterns and sent to my wood supplier to have new parts made in Ash .





    the photo above shows the correct timber frame on the pattern door and the steel strip at the bottom of the door used to crimp the door skin on at the bottom




    steel door skin as removed from pattern door this has now been sent to have an auto cad drawing made and some new door skins made


  4. Thanks Richard I bought a cheap 10gal pot off Epay and connected it up to my compressor it seems to do the job ok though I think I could do with a larger output on the compressor but for the bits n bobs I need to clean it seems to cope, will post a pic when I use it again. At the mo I only using some kiln dried sand from my local builders merchants which again is ok but now I know the kit works I'll probably buy some proper medium .


    Hi Jez ..just wondered what size output your compressor was and is it elec or engine driven.

    Regards Andy B

  5. Hi all.....I am being a bit thick and have trouble sifting through all the DVLA and NOVA stuff so can any one give a simple explanation.....For example I buy a vehicle say a Ford or Willys Jeep with no v5 documentation or history that's been sat in a farm barn in the uk for years and all I have is a receipt form the vendor etc whats the proceedeure for registering it with DVLA and because its " an import " from abroad ,may be 70 years ago years ago ( !) whats the Customs situation? Many Thanks Andy B

  6. I started bidding at 5k because I could not believe it was going to be knocked down at that price! Just me and one other guy I think then up to £7000, which by the time you add 15% plus vat (and in my case £500) to get it home.. its not so cheap! I think local MVT guy bought. Do not think the back body was right thought....stil a v.nice truck.

    And yes I did buy some of the other over priced stuff..hey ho!



    Bidding actually started to stutter at 4k so i joined in but stopped at 5 (i don't need another one!!). No idea why it struggled, especially considering the prices being paid for spares on the day. I overbid on at least 3 lots and still came home with nothing. Interesting day though.
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