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Posts posted by andy1960

  1. Hi Andy,


    My Dad also served on this ship. He was on the first Far East voyage as a SBA/Petty Officer from 1944-46. He's still around. I have been looking around various message boards but so far I've not come across anyone else still surviving.

    I have all sorts of photographs and things.





    Hi John..ony just seen your reply.Would be really keen to get in touch .PM sent

  2. Hi ..How on earth did you get it on its side ??? Andy B



    thanks pierre although it's not really a new project as i've had it for a year or more but it's taken me this long to get round to starting it and to be honest i've had to crack on with it as i need to sell it to fund the cromwell restoration :-( which is a real shame as the more i talk to people about it the more i like it but money talks and bullsh1t walks and right now i'm walking !


    i tried my hand at vertical welding and it turned out pretty diabolical so i shoved the carrier on it's side and will weld it from above which gives a better weld and has the added bonus of exposing the underside for de rusting and priming.

  3. Hello Andy,


    Hey that was me, picked your uncle up on the way back from the beaches D-day 2009. Made my day, to help a stranded DR. Often wondered who he was, I tried to take a picture of him climbing out of my truck, but he was having none of it, and was out before i could find my camera. I guess your the chap i left at the side of the road?




    Hi Many thanks ....I wondered who it was .. He was 82 years old and spent 5 days on the back on my M20 without complaint!... He was in Royal Engineers at the tail end of WW2 in India.The most emotional moment for me was on Utah beach, when he said to a Royal Marine who took GIs in " Thanks for doing what you did. ..so I did not have to ".. brought a teat to my eyes...Sadly Uncle Keith is no longer with us...but thats another story !! Pm me with your contact details and I will send you some pics and and some more info thanks Again Andy Biddle

  4. Me and another are looking into buying an M8 or M20..Do they have data plates like other ex mil vehicles and if so where are they to be found? Whats the situation re spares availablity and what should we look out for when buying.Also the usual question what sort of money will we have to pay .Any input very much appreciated! Andy

  5. Hi Went to local DVLA to try to find out what rules are for MOT excempt vehicles but did not get a clear answer.Basically they said " you self certify the vehicle as mot excempt but if the police stop you and dissagree you get booked".Surely this cannot be right ? Can anyone please clarify which vehicles can be excempt and how it all works with the paperwork.


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